The X-Bit BBS (Synchronet) & 32-Bit BBS (Spitfire)
Welcome to X-BIT.ORG! Below you'll find a number of ways to access both of our BBS systems: 32bit BBS is a rebuild of my first BBS from the early 90s using dos Spitfire software and The X-Bit is my updated BBS using modern Synchronet software. For more info on everything "x-bit" please see the Q&A below! Also on this site you'll find System Stats, Freeware BBS Door game software and my retro PC collection.  

How to Access & News
Web,Win,Linux,OSX,iOS,etc:   <How to access>
System News:                 <News & Updates>

Other X Services
InterBBS "The X-League"
:     <777>
LocalBBS League 888:         <888>
Space Quest Game Server:     <SQGS>
CattyWare Door Games:        <CattyWare>
X-Soft (more reg'ed games):  <X-Soft>

BBS Info
Logon Stats 2001-08 & 2011
:  <Legacy Logon Stats>
X-Bit Sysop Q&A:             <Answers to Questions>
Doorgame Scores:             <Scores>

Other bits & bytes
xbit approved bbs links
:     <click>
xbit's retro pc            <486> <Core2 Duo>
Spitfire BBS Software:       <Spitfire>

Sysop contact:
x (twitter)
public key
FidoNET: 1:105/44
fsxNET:  21:4/107