How to setup and config Sync's BinkIT for x-league access

Step 0 > before we get started info
* I assume no liability what so ever if you follow any of the steps outlined below.
* I use Irex for The X-League and the screen shots below are from A-Net-Online

Step 1 join the x-league
Download the X-League app and email it back to me. If you are new to InterBBS leagues the App will ask you a few questions that you won't
be able to answer like "What is your xleague Address" that will be your 777:777/xxx number that I will give you. Another question might be
"What is your BinkP address" This will be your Internet IP address that your Irex server is running on. Remember, you must have Irex's port
open on your Firewall / Router. Once I get your App I'll email you back your new node number, session password and config file that will enable
the games bre/fe/tal/etc for interbbs play.

Step 2 config syncronet using synchronet's built in BinkIT
Again, I don't use BinkIT for The X-League but others do. This will be a number of screen shots to help give you an overall idea how how to

Step 3 game (bre/fe/tal) setup

You will need to edit/create one more file to enable InterBBS play for BRE. This file is named BBS.CFG. Create this file in your BRE777 and
FE directory. Here is the format of this text file:

Your Name
System Name

Now that you have added the BRNODES.DAT file and have created a BBS.CFG file your BRE game is no longer a local game. It's part of an InterBBS
League. You will need to run the following BAT files to process the incoming and outgoing packets. Here is an example of my BAT files that I use when I
access my BRE game (do the same for FE):

CD \SBBS\XTRN\bre777
bre full
bre scores
CD \sbbs\xtrn\bre777

You will also need to run the following BAT file at least once a day for all SRGames:

cd \bbs\games\bre777
bre planetary
bre request
bre scores
bre bbsinfo
bre lastpacket
bre outbound

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