Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:53 pm

    Fortune Teller door for Searchlight
    * Edit ansi and text screens to match your bbs...
    * Edit answers and slam files...
    * Edit search for match file...
    Simple to setup, uses Searchlight comm routines.
    FREE - from Eagles Eye BBS (207)-724-2016
    Other files to look for are: SLADVERT, SLBIO
    ++++ zippy with 2016 to find most of them

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:53 pm

    AUTOMAILpm 1.00 - Preextract QWK mail packets
    for your best callers. For Powerboard BBS
    1.25a and PowerMail 1.50. Simple to run from
    an event. Maximizes peak online hours.
  • BATSQB.ZIP (200K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    BATSQB - QuickBBS Activity Tracking
    system!  This is an awesome package
    that tracks all of your BBS activity
    via the system logs and allows you to
    view by means of a pull down menu
    system.  Highly recommended for the
    serious sysop!
  • BB21PC.ZIP (235K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    AA4RE BBS -- Beta test version 2.1P.
    This zip file contains all the common
    code for both the "real" and "protected"
    versions.  Does not contain the BBS program
    itself.  You will need BB21xP.ZIP or
  • BB21PN.ZIP (209K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    AA4RE BBS -- Beta test version 2.1P.
    This zip file contains all the "real"
    mode program for all machines.  Runs in
    640K.   You also need BB21xC.ZIP file.
  • BBSS10B2.ZIP (243K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    No description given.

  • BFE3000P.ZIP (300K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    │BFE v3.00.0p - The world's premier   │
    │BBS Front End system is back! Offer  │
    │your users information, files, just  │
    │about anything imaginable, all before│
    │they log on to your BBS!  BFE now    │
    │includes an internal UNIX gateway!   │
    │RIP support! Powerful "C" like script│
    │language.  Beats Metro Mezzanine by  │
    │a mile (or two)!                     │
    │·∙■ Cairo Research Labs - 1994!!!
  • CEL200R.ZIP (1,439K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    ≡ Celerity BBS v2.00 Release ≡
    Celerity BBS is a full-featured electronic
    bulletin board system supporting multiple
    nodes, Fido and QWK connectivity, LAN and
    multitasker support, QWK offline packet
    generation, the ability to add multiple
    CelerityText ASCII/ANSI/RIP/NAPLPS motif
    designs with 75+ command directives , single,
    batch, and bidirectional file transfers, a
    sophisticated hierarchal conferencing system,
    advanced 50+ verb scripting language, and
    much much more! Carries a $90 shareware
  • DEMO350.ZIP (552K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    Searchlight BBS 3.50 Demo Version
    Working Demo of Searchlight 3.5, the BBS
    software with Integrated RIP Graphics.
    Includes built-in RIP features like dialog
    boxes, menus and scroll bars. Full featured
    BBS software includes DigiBoard and CD-ROM
    support, unlimited message & file areas, and
    much more. Full documentation provided in
    separate file (DOCS350.ZIP).
  • DOCS350.ZIP (205K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    Searchlight BBS 3.50 Documentation
    Complete user manual for Searchlight BBS
    version 3.5, the BBS software with built
    in RIP Graphics Support. Includes browser
    program. For use with file DEMO350.ZIP.

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    No description given.

  • EZBBS215.LHA (740K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    No description given.

  • EZV110.ZIP (127K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    EZVERIFY 1.1
    The first and only full-featured
    callback verifier created specifically
    for the Ezycom BBS!
    Guaranteed to work with Ezycom 1.02!
    It's easy to set up, yet includes many
    configurable options for the advanced
  • FAHC052B.ZIP (12K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    No description given.

  • FASTAT11.ZIP (33K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    File Area STATistics 1.1: generates
    bulletin files showing statistics of
    file areas.  Now supports multiple
    conferences.  For Powerboard 1.25a
  • FILES.BBS (21K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm


  • FN102UPG.ZIP (655K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    FEATHERNET PRO! - v1.02   Test Drive Update
    │All the necessary file for FeatherNet BBS│
    │v1.01 to 1.02.  For a trial packet of the│
    │all new 250 Multi-Node version, call.....│
    │      FeatherNet Software's HQ BBS       │
    │         Tampa, FL 813-249-8422          │
     Uploaded by:  FeatherNet Software, Inc.

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm


  • FNP101A.ZIP (181K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    FEATHERNET PRO! - v1.01 Test Drive      [1/4]
    One of the most  POWERFUL,  Full Featured BBS
    Packages To Be Found.  User & SysOp Friendly.
    Fantastic Performance and Capabilities, Great
    Utilities, and Superb Documentation Are Among
    Just A Few Highlights Of This Package. CD-ROM
    ANSI/RIP, 115k baud & Non-Standard IRQ ports,
    subscription mode with user accounting, up to
    1 Million Doors handled!    ->SO MUCH MORE!<-
    UPLOADED BY: FeatherNet Software, Inc.
  • FNP101B.ZIP (329K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    FEATHERNET PRO! - v1.01 Test Drive      [2/4]
    One of the most  POWERFUL,  Full Featured BBS
    Packages To Be Found.  User & SysOp Friendly.
    Fantastic Performance and Capabilities, Great
    Utilities, and Superb Documentation Are Among
    Just A Few Highlights Of This Package. CD-ROM
    ANSI/RIP, 115k baud & Non-Standard IRQ ports,
    subscription mode with user accounting, up to
    1 Million Doors handled!    ->SO MUCH MORE!<-
    UPLOADED BY: FeatherNet Software, Inc.
  • FNP101C.ZIP (147K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    FEATHERNET PRO! - v1.01 Test Drive      [3/4]
    One of the most  POWERFUL,  Full Featured BBS
    Packages To Be Found.  User & SysOp Friendly.
    Fantastic Performance and Capabilities, Great
    Utilities, and Superb Documentation Are Among
    Just A Few Highlights Of This Package. CD-ROM
    ANSI/RIP, 115k baud & Non-Standard IRQ ports,
    subscription mode with user accounting, up to
    1 Million Doors handled!    ->SO MUCH MORE!<-
    UPLOADED BY: FeatherNet Software, Inc.
  • FNP101D.ZIP (340K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    FEATHERNET PRO! - v1.01 Test Drive      [4/4]
    One of the most  POWERFUL,  Full Featured BBS
    Packages To Be Found.  User & SysOp Friendly.
    Fantastic Performance and Capabilities, Great
    Utilities, and Superb Documentation Are Among
    Just A Few Highlights Of This Package. CD-ROM
    ANSI/RIP, 115k baud & Non-Standard IRQ ports,
    subscription mode with user accounting, up to
    1 Million Doors handled!    ->SO MUCH MORE!<-
    UPLOADED BY: FeatherNet Software, Inc.
  • FXUC03B.ZIP (43K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm


  • GHOST3.EXE (267K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    GHOST BBS 3.00 - first shareware version of
    GHOST BBS for Procomm Plus for Windows.
    Replaces Host with a mini-BBS. Many new
    features. Fully configurable, full ANSI
    support, multiple bulletins and file
    libraries, private bulletins and libraries,
    multiple language support, editable menus
    and prompts, much more. Reg fee - $ 25.
  • GHSTUP.EXE (29K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    GHOST BBS 3.00 Maintenance files - if you
    got GHOST3.EXE prior to Sep 19, you may need
    these files. Fixes for the default timer on
    the main dialog, and for Edit User Records
  • GVER10S.ZIP (89K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    GAP_VERIFY v1.0  Update GAP filebase.
    GAP_VERIFY will verify and update the size, 
    date, and location of all files in a GAP 
    filebase.  Optionally word-wraps the enhanced 
    descriptions to 72-character lines, extracts 
    and uses FILE_ID.DIZ descriptions, re-parses 
    keywords using sysop-defined exclusion list, 
    and looks for "lost" files on the hard drive. 
    Another of the GAP-Pro utilities from 
    RoboSoft Systems.  Shareware.
  • HC200.ZIP (339K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    HYPERCHAT V2.00 Multi-Node ActionChat
    Teleconferencing System with personal
    rooms, ANSI color, definable screens,
    whispering, paging, unlimited actions,
    online editing of users and actions,
    support for most multi-port COMM boards,
    internal COMM routines with buffering
    and 16550 UART support.  HyperChat
    does NOT use a FOSSIL!!!  Drop files
    supported:  DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF,
    and EXITINFO.BBS (RA 2.00 Style).
    Supports up to 999 COMM configurations.
    Much more included!!  This version is a
    MAJOR fi
  • HELLO3.ZIP (63K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm


  • HS_GAP63.ZIP (6K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    Install HS/Link in GAP 6.3
  • INS30.ZIP (556K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    ┌─┤ Insanity² 3.0 BBS ├───────────────┐
    │ One of the most advanced BBS        │
    │ softwares to date.  Multi-node      │
    │ support, new user voting,           │
    │ configurable message header,        │
    │ insternal networking, a menu editor │
    │ and the look of a forum hack.       │
         ≡.DENMARK COURIERS '93!.

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ PCPN BBS V4.1a ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓
    ▓Fourth generation Bulletin Board System   ▓
    ▓with full-screen color interactive menus  ▓
    ▓and intelligent dialog boxes, complete    ▓
    ▓context-sensitive help, and integrated    ▓
    ▓"hands-off" networking built in! Full     ▓
    ▓UNIX-style download section with unlimited▓
    ▓directory structure and intelligent file  ▓
    ▓searches, up to 2000 conferences, and     ▓
    ▓total Sysop configuration control. The    ▓
    ▓ideal system for novice and expert Sysops ▓
  • JDRBBS09.ZIP (861K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    JDR_BBS: Juggernaut r.09  [Rohner's BBS]
    Awesome.....Incredible......DOES IT ALL!
    Features that go on forever.  A complete
    BBS program, it is the most powerful and
    technically advanced. ---------Shareware
    An American original. ------Not crippled
    Excelsior!            -Not a pre-release
  • JDREXA09.ZIP (923K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    Juggernaut  release .09   --John Rohner
    (JDR_BBS)     Extra stuff.    15-Feb-94
    Juggernaut is an  outrageously featured
    BBS program--it does it all! Shareware.
  • JDRSRC09.ZIP (948K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    Juggernaut  release .09   --John Rohner
    (JDR_BBS)     Source code.    15-Feb-94
    Juggernaut is an  outrageously featured
    BBS program--it does it all! Shareware.
  • JETBBS.ZIP (310K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm


  • LRPC101.ZIP (40K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm


  • MAGIC.ZIP (157K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    MAGIC Door Utility for OS/2 BBSes.  Allows your
    OS/2 BBS to run DOS door games properly, without
    dropping DTR and hanging up on your callers.
    Includes X00, SIO, OS2FTP, and several helpful
    files and programs.

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    No description given.

  • MCB104.ZIP (203K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    │  MetroCore, Basic Edition, Version 1.04  │
    A sophisticated BBS center/hub, for access
    to more than one BBS program or utility,
    even in multinode setups. Has many other
    uses, too, like DOOR monitor, BBS greeting
    and pre-load, program downloading front-end,
    product support area, etc. Requires FOSSIL
    driver. M-M registrants upgrade for FREE!
  • MHST230.ZIP (635K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    MEGAHOST v2.30  - "The EASY BBS"
    Full featured multiuser BBS designed for ease
    of use.  Includes btrieve indexed databases,
    support for networks, RIP, NAPLPS, BIG, & CONDOR
    graphics, FOSSIL, DigiBoard, NS16550A FIFO,
    16.8 kbps, dynamic or custom built menus, ringback
    for voice lines, callback, built-in and external
    file transfer protocols, net and echo doors.
    Easy ASCII text file configuration. 
    By Don Mankin,  $49-$79,  BBS 209-836-2402.

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm



    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    <<>> --- By Mark Hennessy
    Powerboard 1.2 Control Script File will
    give you message reading similar to
    PCBoard 15.0 ANSI message reading.
  • MULTIV79.ZIP (15K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    No description given.

  • MXLITE19.ZIP (109K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    MxLight Version 1.90.  A major rewrite
    from all past versions.  Many new
    features and fixes.  ZedZap,Zmodem,
    and Ascii Protocols.  Support for 3
    External Protocols.  SplitScreen Chat,
    Ansi, Ansi-Music, Avatar and VT100
    Emulations.16550 UART Support 300 to
    115200 baud supported.  New High Speed
    Phone Book, with over 200 numbers.
    Many other features, Still only $10.00
    to Register!
  • NMSGS11S.ZIP (82K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    New Message Update for GAP v1.1 (Single-node)
    NEWMSGS uses virtual memory techniques to do 
    a very fast update of the new message 
    counters for all your users.  Freeware.

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    No description given.

  • OCDFAM1.ZIP (19K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm


  • OFU104.ZIP (42K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm



    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm


  • PB125A_1.ZIP (135K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    POWERBOARD BBS 1.25A. Complete  BBS  Pkg.
    offering 6 Minute/6 Question Install  for
    100%   Operational   System!   Completely
    Configurable by Scripting Language.  FULL
    RIP Graphics Support, including  RIP MENU
    DEVELOPMENT  TOOL   for   fast  and  easy
    creation   of   RIP    menus   WITHOUT  a
    RIP Drawing Program!
  • PB125A_2.ZIP (324K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    POWERBOARD BBS 1.25A. Disk 2/4: Main BBS
    Files  and  Executables.
  • PB125A_3.ZIP (229K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    POWERBOARD BBS 1.25A. Disk 3/4:  Utilities
    Utility Package, Status Line Configurator,
    Event Manager,  Dynamic Menu Editor,  Menu
    Development Tool and Protocol Engine.
  • PB125A_4.ZIP (96K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    POWERBOARD BBS 1.25A.  Disk 4/4:    System
    Operations Manual.
  • PB_200.ZIP (651K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm


  • PBBSW272.ZIP (1,022K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    POWERBBS FOR WINDOWS v2.72   (MultiLine!)
    Easy to Use GUI controlled CONFIG!
    SPLIT SCREEN Chatting; Direct Node-Node Chat!
    ASCII/ANSI/RIP Support; 1000 forums;
    DORINFOx.DEF, CALLINFO.BBS files created;
    FIDO NETWORKING; Teleconferencing; Test ULs;
    Enhanced CD-ROM Support;  View inside ZIPS;
    PowerLang SCRIPT LANGUAGE;  Write a direct
    PowerLang Script Module into any part of BBS!
    TurboCom, Hayes ESP, and other
  • PBBSW32A.ZIP (852K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    POWERBBS FOR WINDOWS v3.20  (Disk 1/3)
    Internet Support!  Includes complete MAIL/
    SERVER Connection!  Usenet News Groups,
    Internet Inbound/Outbound File Attachments
    Easy to Use GUI controlled CONFIG!
    SPLIT SCREEN Chatting; Direct Node-Node Chat!
    ASCII/ANSI/RIP Support; 1000 forums;
    X/Y/Zmodem; HS/LINK;  Run DOS DOORS, DOOR.SYS,
    DORINFOx.DEF, CALLINFO.BBS files created;
  • PBBSW32B.ZIP (1,025K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    POWERBBS FOR WINDOWS v3.20  (Disk 2/3)
    Test ULs; Enhanced CD-ROM Support;View ZIPS;
    PowerLang SCRIPT LANGUAGE;  Write a direct
    PowerLang Script Module into any part of BBS!
    TurboCom, Hayes ESP, Telcor and others;SOURCE
    CODE AVAILABLE!!  Full Screen Editor; File
    Enclosures In Messages; Totally configurable
    menu editor; MULTI-LANGUAGE Support;  LAN
    support;  Bullet Proof Security;  Local File
    Maintenance; Compatible with Windows NT;
    Run a Multi-Line BBS in the BACKGROUND!
  • PBBSW32C.ZIP (146K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    POWERBBS FOR WINDOWS v3.20  (Disk 3/3)
    Rewrite of the manual, serves as a complete
    reference guide for beginners and experts
    alike.  v3.2 now includes a new INSTALL,
    Multi-Day/Multi-Event scheduler, action chat
    commands, PowerBBS/Base (an xBase DBMS)
    and an International/European date
    format option.  Internet connectivity,
    RIP Graphics, Multi-Language support and
    One-on-One Multi-Node chat.
  • PBDIAG.ZIP (39K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm


  • PBDIAL.ZIP (20K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm


  • PBHOT.ZIP (7K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    HOT 1.00: Creates a list of the most
    Popular downloads for your Powerboard
  • PBTOP.ZIP (5K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm


  • PBWIN.ZIP (1K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm



    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm


  • PLUS_1.ZIP (395K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    EBBS-Plus BBS - Plus Software
    Easy to configure and maintain, yet packed
    full of features!  Multiline capable, up to
    19.2K baud [also supports 14.4 and 16.8]..
    Run in Windows in BG with supplied .PIF..
    $50 registration for new sysops, $30 for
    EBBS-PC sysops.
  • PROTPA20.ZIP (20K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    ║  ProTPA V1.20 - A ProDoor Utility  ║
     Version 1.0ß20 09/03/93
     USERS.SYS support for ProDoor BBS
     Systems. Will create USERS.SYS files
     for both TPA and NON-TPA doors. Will
     also read USERS.SYS data and update
     ALL system files including EXTUSER,
     USERS, USERS.INF.    Works with ALL
     versions of ProDoor and ProLogon.
     PCB14.5 Compatible, You do NOT need
     PCB anymore to create USERS.SYS!
     ß18 Possibly corrects the "z
  • QM_HST_C.ZIP (9K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    Complete collection of *COLOR* Qmodem/Qmodem
    Pro *.HST display files for QM's HOST mode.
    These files were done in THEDRAW, and saved
    with "Clear Screen". PKZIP 2.04g.  -FREEWARE-
  • RGD04_16.ZIP (96K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    This is the Renegade Documentation for the 04-16ßeta
    release, written by Theo Van Dinter.  Has info on
    the new RIP Graphic Protocol too (from the RIP Docs).
  • RHIST100.ZIP (69K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    ║ RoboBOARD/FX History        ver. 1.00   ║
    ║             RoboBOARD/FX only!          ║
    ║Creates a file of your last 3 days of    ║
    ║BBS usage.  Displayes this graphically,  ║
    ║including a display of time used by      ║
    ║the top 22 People.                       ║
    ║Programmer: William Rountree             ║
    ║Release Date 11\04\93
  • RT_MENU5.ZIP (92K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    REALtime Menu System a LIVE DOOR MENU
    GENERATOR for LiveCat, LivePRO &
    WildFire by Steve Cox. Generates Live
    Door Menus REALtime in ASCII, ANSI,
    and RIP! Lists last accessing caller
    and times the door was played. Complete
    USER Stats and AWESOME game menus!
    Generates bulletins on doors and
    users. By Peter Guethlein V0.997
    11/28/93  Support Board THE SOLAR
    SYSTEM BBS  714-837-9677/3218.
  • RYNEWF10.ZIP (20K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    No description given.

  • SBBS1173.ZIP (800K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    No description given.

  • SFUED115.ZIP (77K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    No description given.

  • SL3DOCS.ZIP (212K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    Complete Documentation for Searchlight BBS
  • SLMON14.ZIP (13K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    SL node MONitor for Searchlight BBS
    The latest version of SLMON, a 
    Searchlight Node Monitor.  Runs under 
    DESQview and monitors all active
    nodes in a nice window using your
    BBS defined colors.  Now Supports
    New Alias Functions.  Compiled with
    latest TPU's.  This program is
    free, contribution requested.
    02-08-94     TJS      Version 1.40
  • SLNAME14.ZIP (58K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    No description given.

  • SW13ST.ZIP (431K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm


  • TAMIGA11.LHA (434K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    No description given.

  • TB120.ZIP (381K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm


  • TCB_201.ZIP (49K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    TCB v2.01 [Today's Callers Bulletin Creator]
    Truly configurable utility, creates "Today's
    Callers" bulletin(s) for your SuperBBS
    system.  Use one of the supplied sample
    configurations, or build your own unique
    bulletin style.  You can control EXACTLY
    what information is displayed, which callers
    are included, and by what criteria; you can
    set EVERY colour, EVERY character, and more!
    Supports multiple logfiles (it sorts them,
    doesn't append them like che
  • TELESHAR.ZIP (1,074K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    TeleShare/DOS  Ver 2.00   --
    Most common denominator Remote Support and
    Access program.  TeleShare/Host has very
    small size in RAM and snappy screen
    updates, enabling its use in a variety of
    settings avoided by the competition.
    Minimally intrusive and easily modified.
    Liberal developers distribution policy.
  • TGUP141.ZIP (81K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    TGUpload 1.41 - Powerful filemanager for Telegard 2.7
    FAST local uploading featuring support of
    FILE_ID.DIZ, Browse mode, DOS-Shell.
    Fix & Sort Filebases 'n more !
    Moving, Deleting of tagged files 'n more !
  • THOST331.ZIP (97K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    TinyHost V3.31 - A small, simple Host / BBS
    program. Internal XModem, external protocols,
    messaging, operator chat, shell-to-DOS, log
    support, & much more! $25 reg.   13-Aug-1993
  • THP111.ZIP (112K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    TinyHost Plus V1.11 - Based on TinyHost, the
    small, simple host program. All the features
    of TinyHost V3.31 (external protocols, shell
    to DOS, operator chat, etc.) plus the added
    capability of dialing another TinyHost/Plus
    system and tranferring up to 5 files auto-
    matically. Now with Personal Directories.
    $35 registration                   13-Aug-93

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    TODAY's CALlers 1.0 : Generates bulletin
    showing who called today. Also shows
    callers by baud.  For Powerboard 1.25a
  • TOP10A.ZIP (38K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm



    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm


  • TOPUP.ZIP (5K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm


  • UNCONX74.ZIP (15K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    No description given.

  • USBBQM42.ZIP (83K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    USBBQM42 - this is the USBBS list #112 for
    Sept.'93 done in the Qmodem FON format. These
    files are compatible with Qmodem versions 4.2,
    4.3 and 4.5TD. The original author of the
    USBBS list is Bob Breedlove. Send new entries,
    updates to BOBsBBS 916-929-7511. There are
    almost 3,000 BBS entries that are immediately
    dialible from the Qmodem dialing directory in
    this compressed file.
  • UTLS220.ZIP (125K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm


  • WBO132S.ZIP (81K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    Weather Board [OS/2] 1.32 Shareware
    (c) Rhino Ware
    A weather information retrieval program.
    Installs & runs as an event from a BBS
    or front end mailer. Weather Board will
    give you and your users up to the hour
    weather information for your area.
    Weather Board can be used as a bulletin
    or as a logon screen. It uses the
    WeatherMation number at the nearest
    airport. Multi-BBS compatible.
  • WHOC.ZIP (7K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm


  • XHOST35S.ZIP (305K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:54 pm

    Run a full featured BBS with this outstanding
    TELIX script.  Supports 10000 users, 1000
    conferences and 1000 doors. Registration
    enables the use of user designed ANSI/ASCII
    screens and menus.  Mail doors are available.