• ADDQWK20.ZIP (55K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    Add Those QWK v2.0 September 1993
    (C) COPYRIGHT by Steve McGrath
    ADDQWK is a simple program to merge several
    QWK mail packets. It can do the following:
    Name the resulting packet by date/counter,
    Sort by subject, You can have up to 5 names
    /alias, Work with one packets(useful for
    sorting), Delete packets after merging,
    Determine the minimal diskspace to work,
    Can handle: ARJ, LHA, PKZIP.
  • ADDREP10.ZIP (26K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    Add Those REP v1.0 August 1993
    (C) COPYRIGHT by Steve McGrath
    ADDREP is a simple program to merge several
    REP packets. It can do the following:
    Determine the minimal diskspace to work,
    Can handle: ARJ, LHA, PKZIP.
    *** FREEWARE ***
  • AM2020.ZIP (326K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    ╔╦╗╔╗╔╗  AutoMessage 2.0 20-Column!  ╔╗╔╗╔╦╗
    ╟╢ Professional graphical messages. Has 5 ╟╢
    ╟╢ fonts, optional password protection, a ╟╢
    ╟╢ QuickShow feature, and some bug fixes. ╟╢
    ╟╢ Registered version has 10 fonts, a GIF ╟╢
    ╟╢ and PCX intermission viewer, a text to ╟╢
    ╟╢ message converter, DOS message player, ╟╢
    ╟╢ background music.  Very nice software! ╟╢
    ╟╢ A Shareware Express President's Pick!!
  • AM2032.ZIP (306K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    ╔╦╗╔╗╔╗  AutoMessage 2.0 32-Column!  ╔╗╔╗╔╦╗
    ╟╢ 32-Column Version of AutoMessage 2.0!! ╟╢
    ╟╢ Professional graphical messages. Has 4 ╟╢
    ╟╢ fonts, optional password protection, a ╟╢
    ╟╢ QuickShow feature, and some bug fixes. ╟╢
    ╟╢ Registered version lets you show GIF & ╟╢
    ╟╢ PCX files, has background music, a DOS ╟╢
    ╟╢ message player, text to message maker. ╟╢
    ╟╢ A Shareware Express President's Pick!!

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm


  • AUTOV1R.ZIP (50K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    <- Auto Message V1R ->
    Includes support for 29 diffrent bbs types
    Has Color interpritation, sysop auto lock
    Visual editor
  • BDOS259B.ZIP (338K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    No description given.

  • BDOS_258.ZIP (290K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    No description given.

  • BFE2000P.ZIP (390K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • BNP_0213.ZIP (115K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • BNP_600.ZIP (60K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm


  • BNP_V762.ZIP (130K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • BOS2259B.ZIP (339K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • BWNT_259.ZIP (208K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • CENSOR.ZIP (13K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    CENSOR v1.00 - Allows the sysop to censor
    email messages on their BBS.  That is have
    curse words automatically removed, etc.

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    This is the CHANNELS.NME file
    Just copy it over your old
    CHANNELS.NME file. 3-3-94

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • CISBIL21.ZIP (34K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

        CIS Billing Tracker-JNGoodale 
    Off-line CompuServe billing organizer.  Will
    gather weekly and daily billing from captured
    billing information, maintain yearly cum
    file.  Provides formatted report on screen,
    file, or printer.
  • CNMSG.ZIP (194K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm


  • CVTQWK10.ZIP (46K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    Convert that QWK v1.0 February 1994
    (C) COPYRIGHT by Steve McGrath
    CVTQWK is a simple program convert QWK
    mail packets. It can do the following:
    Convert to text (001.TXT, 002.TXT..)
    using the index, Determine the minimal
    diskspace to work, Can handle: ARJ,
  • DB_154.ZIP (843K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm


  • DBLS201B.ZIP (28K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    DB LogScan 2.01b.
    A D'Bridge log scanning utility that
    tracks incoming calls and speeds
    to a graphic screen.  More if
    Registration FEE: $5.00
  • DOVE0793.ZIP (330K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • DPROTE.ZIP (722K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm


  • EBOONE.ZIP (144K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm


  • ELMOD993.ZIP (18K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • EMOTIC11.ZIP (15K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • EMSKTCH1.ZIP (78K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    The EMSKETCHER Ver 1.0 for IBMs, (C) 1993
    This editor allows you to create upper
    ascii diagrams.  Export them to ascii  
    files, or send e-mail diagrams on Internet,
    Compuserve, etc. Sharp ascii pictures can be
    mixed with words to make professional look-
    ing document files.  It has several feat-
    ures cut/paste, mouse, etc.  You can send
    e-mail diagrams to a friend who has EM-
    SKECHER.  Try this unique product.
  • ENFORC11.ZIP (85K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    ENFORCER logs user off if SEC level doesn't match cfg. file!
    EXCELLENT for those who hub mail and don't run a front end that can keep
    non-mail calls off while the nodes call in to get mail!  Has many other
    uses too!  For example, you can reward paying users with better access
    during prime time by locking out non-payers while enforcer is active!
    Uses WC3.6 login1.bat along with 2 other bats I include and should run
    as an HARD event to turn it on and a SOFT event to turn it off!
    Registration is just $1
  • ESC170.ZIP (242K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm


  • FD212.ZIP (639K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    FrontDoor 2.12/Shareware release
    archive. FidoNet compatible E-Mail
    software. Includes Mailer, Editor,
    Terminal, Nodelist Compiler, and
    Full-Screen configuration utility.
  • FDDEV202.ZIP (39K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • FDHM115.ZIP (62K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm


  • FDLA202.ZIP (67K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm


  • FDLS100C.ZIP (28K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    FD LogScan 1.00c.
    A Front Door log scanning utility that
    tracks incoming calls and speeds
    to a graphic screen.
    Registration FEE: $5.00
  • FIDOQ118.ZIP (182K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    FidoQWK 1.18: FidoNet .PKT/.MSG <=> QWK
    echomail processor.  Echo messages between
    FidoNet and QWK-type Networks. Also supports
    QWK <=> QWK transfer between QWK mail doors.
  • FILES.BBS (31K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm


  • FIXPKT5A.ZIP (15K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • FLEETB85.ZIP (316K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    FleetStreet 0.85wb for OS/2 2.x PM
    is a flexible and powerful message 
    reader for Squish & *.MSG areas,
    multithreaded, 32 bit, CUA'91,
    drag'n'drop, highly configurable,
    engl. & german version, requires 
    SquishP 1.01.
  • FLEXPAC4.ZIP (122K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    Packet TNC software package.  Shareware.
    Enhances the use of your DX Cluster.
    Displays country name, beam heading,
    more.  See Jan 1994 CQ page 70.
    From ND2O and WB5M.
  • FLST115.ZIP (64K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm


  • FNLS103.ZIP (40K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    FNLScan v1.03 - Fidonet NodeList Scan door
    Scans up to 10 Fidonet (and compatible)
    nodelists for a variety of criteria defined
    by the user, such as BBS name, sysop name,
    city, area code and arbitrary text. This
    allows the user to find other Fido systems
    quickly and easily for netmail addressing,
    etc. Supports most BBS software, IRQs 2-15,
    FOSSIL drivers and Digiboard multiport cards.
    Now displays full Zone and Region addresses.
  • FREQR22.ZIP (86K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    Reads log file made by FrontDoor (tm) and
    makes a report of files sent in response to
    filerequests. The report may also be posted
    as a message.  NOW updates files.bbs download
  • GEDIT201.ZIP (116K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • GFRADT07.ZIP (38K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • GFRTWT06.ZIP (22K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • GIGO0114.ZIP (433K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    GIGO (pre 1.00) - Fidonet<->UUCP 
    Gateway Pkg. Features services 
    such as ftpmail server, mail-
    list->echo conversion, moderating 
    of newsgroups thru fidonet mail, 
    sysop-defined mail/news headers, 
    wildcard gateway translations, 
    full node/net/zone routing 
    security, CC:, multiple routing 
    style, full bang!path support, 
    custom node addresses, mailing 
    list processor + source, and 
    FAST!! windowed output.  Requires 
    386sx or greater.
  • GMSG408.ZIP (84K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm


  • GOSCAN23.ZIP (216K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    GOSCAN v2.03 - The Ultimate GOMail v1.+ Log Analzyer.  GOSCAN
    shall scan your GOMAIL.LOG file and generate very accurate and
    professional output screens of ALL available information in
    the log files.  It even supports Rip and TNet.  In addition, it
    generates a conference statistical output screen.  For more
    information, call TkdBbs Software HQ at (704)982-9223.
  • HARVEY_5.ZIP (30K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    Harvey's Robot allows you to produce
    incoming or outgoing 4d PACKETS.  Any
    format message systems can use this
    system, since it writes to in/outbound
    packets directly.  The system's message
    database format does not matter.
  • HAY28800.ZIP (1K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • HAYES288.ZIP (2K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • HRPTV101.ZIP (36K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.


    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • HYTELN66.ZIP (655K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • INTROV1.ZIP (65K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    INTROS.EXE version 1.0 - Ever get weary
    writing out those INTRO Files for your
    Conferences using an editor and trying to
    put in your PCB @X Codes?  If your a PCBoard
    Sysop with RIME Conferences on your Board -
    INTROS.EXE is a must for you. This program
    will write out INTRO files for "ALL" or a
    selected number of your RIME Conferences.
    A product of KeenWare...
  • IPOST100.ZIP (84K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • IS20.ZIP (7K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    IS.EXE v2.0 File Size Checker! For checking
    size of your REP packet. Errorlevel branch-
    ing can help ensure you won't BOMB the net!
    Freeware utility from Ed Dluzen of Intelec!
  • JM940310.LHA (314K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • KILTOS11.ZIP (46K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    ************** KILLTOSS 1.1  ***************
    Killtoss v1.1 - Incoming File Management for
    Satellite Systems. If you are a member of
    Planet Connect or another Satellite system
    this will monitor incoming files, read your
    tic processor setup & delete unwanted files
    when they come across.

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • LOGENH11.ZIP (86K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • LR36.ZIP (32K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    LSTRELAY 3.6 Network/IMPORT mail bull. prgrm
    Works with PCRelay, PostLink, GAPnet, Rnet,
    Tnet and IMPORT to create rotating display of
    ASCII/ANSI news files regarding last transfer
    Will use UTIs to import a report to SysOp in
    BBS msg. base if desired.  Highly configurabl
    and easy to setup/use in multi-network system
    Fixed for use with GAPNET v6.3 or later

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • MINU10B6.ZIP (268K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • MKMSG102.ZIP (202K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • MKMU100.ZIP (107K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm


  • MKQM4BLT.ZIP (38K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    Bulletin creator for top ten message
    up- and downloader using the QMAIL4 door
  • MSGT1_1.ZIP (29K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm


  • MUIFFR11.LHA (82K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • N_EMAIL.ZIP (42K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    Network Email 2.74 by Ivory Tower.
    Software. This is a freeware
    electronic mail package for
  • NDXPRO_9.ZIP (52K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    NDXPro will make NDX files from QWK or REP packets!
    Helpful for corrupted packets, or message networks!
    by: William R. Smith and Theo Van Dinter/Nor'Easter
    Software.  Version 9.0
  • NETCHK10.ZIP (34K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    Hubs, close Nodes at specified times for Net Mail Runs. 
    Set up the times you want to have Nodes call in for mail.
    Set up the nodes you want to shut down for just mail runs.
    Set up to 9 different Security levels for Nodes calling.
  • NETDAY21.ZIP (36K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    NETDAY Version 2.1 from HOTware. A little
    utility that will quickly and easily display
    the current NETMAIL date for you.  If you
    ever wondered what the current NETMAIL
    (Julian) date was, then this utility is for
    you. NETDAY will accept an echomail
    conference number from the command line and
    report back to you the age in days of the
    last bag that was received on your system.
    Version 2.1 now has the ability to modify the
    master environment rather than using a batch
    file to modify an environment var
  • NETLOG11.ZIP (12K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    Statistic Programm fr Squish.
    Erzeugt ANS und ASC Bulletins
    ber den Netztransfer eines
    Tages. (Anzahl der neuen Nach-
    richten in jeder Area).
    Konfigurabel fr alle Mailbox 
    Systeme. V1.1
    Statistic program for Squish.
    Creates ANS and ASC Bulletins
    about the nettransfers for
    current day.(Number of Messages
    in each area). Configurable for
    all Mailbox Systems. V1.1
  • NEWSDB10.ZIP (228K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    The NewsDB - allows the user to create
    complex hypertext databases from
    Internet Usenet articles. It features
    automatic newsgroups references
    creation, automatic author directories
    and references and a UNIX to PC
    translation program. Requires a PC
    capable of running DPMI programs and
    The Help Development Kit V9.5 or newer.
  • NFILE13C.ZIP (20K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • NSFG_103.ZIP (39K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    Newsgroup System File Generator v 1.03
    Takes your list of newsgroups and presents a
    NSFGdate.SYS file.  This file is suitable to
    send your feed site if they are using a file
    similar to a sys file by C-News or B-News.
    Future versions will even do 'exceptions'.
    Written by: Tim Fierro 11/01/93 @ 05:00 PM
    Brought to you by The Racer's Edge * TRE!
  • OUTB103.ZIP (17K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    OUTBOUND Version 1.03 is a FrontDoor
    2.11+ FDC reporter which creates reports
    of outbound mail and files in a mailer
    system. Great for debugging FrontDoor's
    mail flow and routing. Freeware from
    Chief Israeli Communication Systems
    (1993) Ltd.
  • PBILL24.LHA (93K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm


  • PBU_100.ZIP (106K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    │▓▓▓▓▓ PBBSuucp Version 1.00 ▓▓▓▓▓│
    Allows your user to enter or reply
    to Internet E-Mails just like what
    they does with FidoNet style Netmails
    without have to specifically type a
    TO: statement at the first line of
    the message body! -= GREAT =-

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    PCBINTRO is a collection of three INTRO     
    screens for PCBoard for the following three
    networks; RelayNet(tm), FidoNet, and      
    Intelec. I have formatted them using the 
    PCBEDIT program from PCBoard. Other types 
    of files are available, such as ANSI, 
    ASCII, WildCat! formats. Requests for any 
    other format done with a $5 contribution.
  • PKTMUX12.ZIP (91K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • PMPOP10.ZIP (46K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm


  • POINT180.ZIP (168K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    PPoint - Professional Point - Automatic
    Setup and Maintenance. Automatically
    accepts and sets up new areas.  Simple
    to use. Sets up and interfaces
    transparently with Binkley.  4d or
    FakeNet addressing.  Efficient message
    database system.  Optional Modules 
    available for QWK or LAN Support. By 
    the author of OFFLINE, Harvey Parisien.
  • PSRT_11B.ZIP (104K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    PacketSorter v1.1b (bug fixed version)
    Defragments FidoNet mail packets.
    Can split large messages according to
    FSC-0047. Speed up message base
    tossing up to five times with Squish.
    Runs with OS/2 2.x and DOS.
  • QF_1062.ZIP (730K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    Wide-area beta release of QFront v1.062b.
    The ULTIMATE utility written specifically
    for PCBoard. A complete FidoNet mailer
    (mail scanner/tosser included), event
    manager and MUCH more, all integrated
    into one package. Simple to install and
    a breeze to use, yet VERY powerful.
    This version contains many fixes including
    point problems and file forward problems.
    Complete installation package.
  • QF_1063.ZIP (89K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    Wide-area beta release of QFront v1.063b.
    You MUST be running QFront v1.062b in
    order to apply this patch. This is NOT
    a complete installation package!
    Fixes point problems and magic filename
  • QF_1064.ZIP (81K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    Version 1.064 of QScan.  Fixes runtime
    error problems when a message addressed to
    Areafix was found in an EchoMail area.  You
    must be running QFront 1.063 before
    installing this update.
  • QKCON100.ZIP (117K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • QNODE202.ZIP (84K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • QNODX202.ZIP (183K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • QPRN110.ZIP (136K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    QWKPRUNE 1.10.  Removes unwanted messages
    from QWK-format mail packets. Strips leading
    spaces as well as (R) and Re: prefixes from
    subject lines. Also strips up to 10 user-
    defined prefixes. Repairs non-standard
    message headers. Supports ZIP, LHA, ARJ, and
    ZOO, as well as a user-specified archiver.
    This version adds support for large packets.
  • QQL121.ZIP (42K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm


  • QSLVR133.LHA (199K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • QWKLAY15.ZIP (16K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    QWK File Layout 1.5 [30-Jul-92] - This is one
    of the most comprehensive file on the QWK-
    format. It covers everything from the format
    to implementation notes. See related file
    QWKP*.ZIP for a list of current QWK-format
    products & author contact info.
  • QWKSTF12.ZIP (13K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    ** QWKSTF ** by Nor'Easter Software.
    Searches directory for REP/QWK packets and
    notifies you that they need to be read or
    sent.   Version 1.20
  • QWKSTF13.ZIP (13K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    ** QWKSTF ** by Nor'Easter Software.
    Searches directory for REP/QWK packets and
    notifies you that they need to be read or
    sent.   Version 1.30

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    ║ ANSI & PCBOARD Color Display Features ║
    ║ Full  Voice Utilities * ALIAS Support ║
  • RABBS402.ZIP (14K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • REF14.ZIP (44K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    The REF Version 1.4.  A HOTware utility to
    produce a true Read Only echo, or  REVIEW
    messages by users prior to allowing them to
    "echo".  The REF will monitor a listing of
    users in an echo and either MOVE to an
    alternate message area, KILL messages, MARK
    bagged any message posted by UnAuthorized
    posters, or REVIEW the postings prior to
    bagging the messages. Version 1.4 adds the
    ability to REVIEW, MARK, MOVE, or KILL by
    NET/NODE number.
  • RKR110.ZIP (11K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    RKROUTE 1.10 by Russell Kroll [12-20-93]
    This program will generate Route:
    lines on outbound GT mailbags, and
    include information such as system
    that it will be sent to, and the
    time the bag was processed.  A
    replacement for MSROUTE, which could
    not handle PKZIP 2.x bags.
  • ROBOT600.ZIP (23K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    Harvey's Robot allows you to produce
    incoming or outgoing 4d PACKETS.  Any
    format message systems can use this
    system, since it writes to in/outbound
    packets directly.  The system's message
    database format does not matter.
  • RP100.ZIP (218K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    The Prime External Request Processor v1.00
    for Frontdoor 2.11.sw+ and Frontdoor
    2.20a.ml. Offers request limits depending
    the requesting system, time, baudrate and
    day of the week. Request limits per session
    and per timeslot (ie, per day). Variate the
    list of requestable files depending the
    requesting system, time, baudrate, day of
    the week, secure/unsure sessions and for
    unlisted nodes! Password protected files
    only for specific nodes, or during certain
    time slots. Easy "about" requesting. Attac
  • SBC100.ZIP (15K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm


  • SOBNLE.ZIP (70K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm


  • SQWK10.ZIP (49K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    Search that QWK v1.0 February 1994
    (C) COPYRIGHT by Steve McGrath
    SQWK is a simple program to search QWK mail
    packet. It can do the following: Search 25
    words or extract an area, Name the resulting
    packet by date/counter, Sort by subject, You
    can have up to 5 names/alias, Delete packet
    after merging, Determine the minimal diskspace
    to work, Can handle: ARJ, LHA, PKZIP.

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm


  • STATSC1D.ZIP (31K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    StatusC:  Generate Export,  Import, Last
    Import and Monthly Total bulletins using
    Cam-Mail logs. Multi-Network. Rollovers.
    ANSI, ASCII and PCB  color/mono support.
  • STATUS3K.ZIP (49K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    Status: Generate Export, Import, Last Import
    and  Monthly  Total  bulletins with Postlink
    logs. Multi-Network. Rollovers. ANSI, ASCII,
    PCB color/mono support. CleanUp log utility.
  • STRING20.ZIP (34K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • TAGD084.ZIP (62K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm


  • TAGGER10.ZIP (58K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    TAGGER.EXE v1.0  A BBS utility to add a bit
    of change to the BANNER files in InterMail
    and various other BBS Mailers.  Another FREE
    utility from PAROLE Software and Dennis
    Maidon.   1:151/185
  • TD183BUF.LHA (13K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • TICIT130.ZIP (14K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    TICIT 1.2 is a tic file preprocessor
    for Planet Connect Systems satellite
    service. With TICIT you may pick up to
    1000 tic areas to both delete received
    files or move files where your normal
    tic processor may finish your tic
    processing. An auxiliary directory may
    also be specified to check further for
    dupe tic files. Up to 2,500 files may
    be processed by each pass of TICIT.
    TICIT is FREEWARE and is not crippled
    in any way. My thanks to the BBS
    community. TICIT will work with any
    BBS system that
  • TIMB11P.ZIP (147K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    TimEd/B11; Fast msg editor for FidoNet;
    supports Squish, JAM, *.MSG and now
    also Hudson bases. Now with internal
    editor! OS/2 (32 bit) version.
  • TIMG2P.ZIP (161K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    TimEd/gamma; Fast msg editor supporting
    Squish, JAM, *.MSG and Hudson bases;
    With internal editor. OS/2 version.
  • TPOST105.ZIP (42K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • TPSQAPI1.ZIP (37K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • TWITIT05.ZIP (12K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • TXTBCS12.ZIP (34K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.


    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm


  • ULAN_111.ZIP (23K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • UPC12BAD.ZIP (334K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    UUPC 1.12b Documentation File. Here are the
    docs for this *very* complete and powerful
    UUCP implementation.
  • UPC12BS1.ZIP (422K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    UUPC 1.2b SOURCE CODE file 1 of 2 for OS/2,
    DOS, Windows. This is a *very* complete
    and powerful UUCP implementation, includes
    mail and news readers.
  • UPC12BS2.ZIP (48K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    UUPC 1.2b SOURCE CODE file 2 of 2 for OS/2,
    DOS, Windows. This is a *very* complete
    and powerful UUCP implementation, includes
    mail and news readers.
  • UPC12I12.ZIP (204K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • UPC12I13.ZIP (222K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • UPC12I14.ZIP (168K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • UPC12I22.ZIP (540K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • UPC12I23.ZIP (358K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • UPC12I24.ZIP (120K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • UPC12ID1.ZIP (194K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • UPC12ID2.ZIP (210K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • UPC12ID3.ZIP (165K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • UPC12IS1.ZIP (209K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • UPC12IS2.ZIP (192K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • UPC12IS3.ZIP (124K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • UPC12IS4.ZIP (109K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • UPC12IW1.ZIP (69K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • UPC12IW2.ZIP (141K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • UPC2N1.ZIP (235K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm


  • UPC2N2.ZIP (250K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm


  • UPC2N3.ZIP (78K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm


  • UPC2S1.ZIP (420K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm


  • UPC2S2.ZIP (56K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm


  • UUEXE525.ZIP (31K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • UUPCB120.ZIP (574K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    uuPCB - Version 1.20 - Shareware Release -
    The most widely used USENET for PC Board!
    This version is for PC Board 15.0! This
    release is fully functional for registered
    uuPCB Sysops and will operate in demo mode
    for evaluation purposes. (demo mode limited
    to 6 newsgroups but otherwise uncrippled.)
    Contains all required files.
  • WAFGTB06.ZIP (73K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    WAFTOGT 1.0 BETA 6          [10-03-93]
    *GT Sysops: Bring USENET to your BBS!*
    WAFTOGT brings the multitude of groups
    that make up Usenet to your GT Power
    BBS!  It will also import E-mail for
    your users, and can bounce back mail
    sent to unknown users.  Try it today!
    ** SHAREWARE - Registration is $15 **
    Author -- rkroll%cmptech.uucp@csn.org
  • WAFGTB07.ZIP (74K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    WAFTOGT 1.0 BETA 7          [01-11-93]
    *GT Sysops: Bring USENET to your BBS!*
    WAFTOGT brings the multitude of groups
    that make up Usenet to your GT Power
    BBS!  It will also import E-mail for
    your users, and can bounce back mail
    sent to unknown users.  Try it today!
    ** SHAREWARE - Registration is $15 **
       Author -- rkroll%cmptech@csn.org
  • WCTRAF11.ZIP (27K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    wcTraffic v1.00-wcUUCP BBS Screen maker   
    and error detector. Creates HELLOx.BBS/   
    BULx.BBS based on activity, checks for      
    errors, writes errors to external file,     
    configurable @ Color codes & more! NO DEMO  
    KEY REQUIRED!  Callers love it!  Easy to    
    install, easy to register.                  
    From Integrad Services, Inc.

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    The write-to-jam C function, Dec 1993
    An example of a function to write to the
    JAM(mbp) (the message base format by Joaquim
    Homrighausen, Andrew Milner, Mats Birch, and
    Mats Wallin).  This message base is in use
    with many BBS's and this sample code is meant
    primarily for door authors needing a hand in
    writing JAM messages. Includes JAM library
    for MSC & Borland C compilers. By Michael
    Lecuyer Fidonet 1:2600/140, Internet
  • XMAIL100.ZIP (338K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    xMail 1.00 Shareware Release
    - The most powerful Mailprocessor,
    incl. Hudson, Squish, JAM and
    *.MSG. Multi-line support and
    lots lots more features.
  • YARN_057.ZIP (312K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    No description given.

  • ZNR092U.ZIP (126K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:01 pm

    ZipNews local/remote newsreader;PCBoard BBSs+
    Wildcat!, Waffle, and others. BETA v0.92u. A
    threaded Usenet news-reader & companion to
    the ZipNews Door (DOS) & uqwk v1.7 (on Unix
    hosts).  Select newsgroups/maintain pointers
    via upload to the door.  Also a LOCAL reader
    & mailer for sysops using the ZipNews door.
    Registered version is a mailer for uploading
    Internet E-mail and your own news postings to
    the ZipNews Door or uqwk.  Reg. Cost: $19.95.