• 101NUSER.ZIP (15K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    wwNewuser ver 1.01, a wcCODE application for Wildcat! 4.01 by Wildware!
    *** New verion 1.01 supports Caller ID and WC fast logon characters!
    Partial list of features for wwNewuser 1.01:
    1) When a new caller logs on to your BBS for the first time, wwNewuser
    will send a email message to the Sysop, informing him/her that a new
    caller has logged on along with pertinent information about the new
    caller. wwNewuser keeps the Sysop informed of all new callers.
    2) wwNewuser can send a RIP/ANSI display screen

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    ****AAAPage v1.0 for Wildcat! 4.01 ONLY*****
    Wildcat System Page Replacement. For Sysops
    who want to be notified ONLY in case of an
    emergency. All other times users should
    leave a comment. Also Logs the reason for the
    Page. Written in WCCODE v4.01 by Wayne Braswell
  • ACCESS1.ZIP (10K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    wwAccess 1.0, a wcCODE application for Wildcat! 4.01
    *** Control access to your wcCODE applications !!!!!!
    wwAccess is a security program that controls which Wildcat! security
    levels can run particular wcCODE applications. For example: you may
    have a database wcCODE application on the main menu of your BBS that
    you only want callers with the security levels of CUSTOMER, FULLUSER,
    and SYSOP to be able to run that application. With wwAccess this is
    no problem, you just specify what security levels that
  • ACTPRO16.ZIP (57K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    ActPro 1.6 generates a .BBS and .RIP file
    that lists everyone who called that day.
    Works with Wildcat! 3.x and 4.x BBS's.
    Can recognize people who have donated money
    to the board, and can exclude certain names.
    Will list each user's total downloads,
    uploads, messages, flags, if they are a new
    user, have dropped carrier, or have donated
    to the board.  Sysop customizable colors!
    Use one of the many sample color samples or
    create your own!  Run the program from one
    line, no complex batch files.  Act
  • ALLB200.ZIP (4K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    AllBull Ver 2.00 For Wildcat! 4.01
    WCCode Program to list ALL new
    bulletins to users as specified
    or other options check it out!!
    1994 JeRKware WCCode Program
            Support BBS:
    Virtual Visions (909)899-3434
  • AMDOS41.ZIP (51K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    AM Software AM-DOS ver.4.01 (4.01 wcx)
    AM-DOS was created in order to access the
    systems' hard drive through a Wildcat! door,
    and safely down / upload files or otherwise
    maintain the system from a remote location.
    All DOS commands that require no keystrokes
    are valid. "CD", "MD", "RD", "COPY",
    "MOVE", "DEL" (and perhaps 100 more) are
    supported. AM-DOS will also allow you to
    RUN programs and batch files. (pk zip/unzip
    ok) Other features include chat, batch
    up/dn-load, file editor, on line help,

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    FREEWARE.  ArtIntel v.1.2 is an artificial inteligence style program 
    that makes it seem as though the computer is answering your questions.
    Compiled for WildCat! v.4.01.  ArtIntel's features include a foul
    language filter that you can adjust depending on the degree of adult
    material on your BBS, the ability to run it on a RAM drive to save
    wear and tear on your hard drive, a logo banner that you can alter 
    with wcDraw and the ability to set the conference where you wish your
    messages to be written.

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    AUTOREG v1.1 - This is the TABS validating
    program you've been waiting for!  Loaded
    with features! Automatic messages to users.
    Anti-Hacking protection and much, much more.
    Validates $10 & $25 TABS #'s plus separate
    configuration for your own personal #'s.
    For WildCat v4.01 only!

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    BADNAMES Lister v 1.0
    Written and Compiled in wcCODE 4.01 for
    Wildcat! BBS's Badnames.wcx will create
    a new BADNAMES.LST in your Wildcat! Home
    Directory when run as a daily event or
    whenever you desire. This will DISABLE
    the Duplicate User function added to 
    Wildcat! 4.x
    Created by Steven Thompson - DataFarm BBS
    Support available Via FIDO Wildcat! Conference
    Wildnet Third Party Conference
    MSI Support Conferences
  • BANKER26.ZIP (5K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    Time Banker 2.6 for Wildcat! 4.01 wcCODE App
    that allows users to save some of their time
    online for later use. Fully configurable to
    allow the SysOp to set the Maximum Balance,
    Maximum Transaction, and upto three Security
    Levels which will NOT be allowed to have
    access. Easy to install, and not crippled!

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    Blacklist v1.0 - Blacklist is a small wcCODE
    application that lets you delete a user and
    add them to the BADNAMES.LST in one step.
    Includes source code and complied .WCX for
    Wildcat v4.01.
  • CABIN-41.ZIP (6K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    CABIN-4.LST is a list of utilities for
    Wildcat! 4.x SysOps from the Charlatan's
    Cabin BBS.  These are all "CHARWARE" --
    no registration fees, but you're asked
    to donate to your own favorite charity
    if you find the programs useful.

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    wcCODE v4.01  CallerID for Wildcat v4.01 Logon.wcx
    This file will use callerID, and save the callers time, Date, And Phone Number
    To a disk file called "Collor.log"

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    CALLSCAN v4.01 CallerID Logon System
    Callscan V4.01 for Wildcat BBS v4.01 Only
    is a callerID logon system that is very easy
    to set up and have running on your bbs in a
    couple of minutes. The User with sign on with
    there name and password. Then Your System will
    alert the user that CALLSCAN is Active and BEEP
    your System. It will the ID the Caller to a file
    called CALLER.LOG located in your WILDCAT home
    directory. Registered users will be able to
    print out the CALLID file and LOCKOUT all of
    the u
  • CAT0101.ZIP (9K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    The CAT! a new newsletter for WC 
    Sysops!  Submission information for 
    submitting articles for newsletter 
    "The CAT!" As of 11 Nov 94.
  • CAT13.ZIP (11K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    CAT-TRIX  1.3  LOGON MATRIX for Wildcat! 4.01
    Written by Mike Cataldo
               Just Like a N.U.P found on non-WILDCAT! bbs's.
    An easy, On-line, Security feature for Sysops!  No more instant access
    to all new users, they must know the PASSWORD to get on the bbs! 
    Features:      - Coded in wcCODE for a fast, smooth interface with WC! 4.01
    REGISTERED ver - You are able to change the password at any time by editing
                     the PWORD.DAT file from WITHIN THE MATRIX.
                   - Allows U
  • CATCHG12.ZIP (80K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    CatCharge! 1.2 (WCX) Ult Online Ordering
    Door for WC4 w/ Tons of Features. This is the
    ULTIMATE Online Door written in wcCODE for
    WC4. This DOOR handles Credit Card, Checks
    and Savings, 10 Categories with up to 16
    items per catagory (160 Items possible to
    Sell). Each Item configurable for Tax. Each
    Item can have 2 Custom Prompts/Queries (300
    PROMPTS Possible) Multiline ready w/ File
    Locking, Logging, Message Import into WC4
    Dbase. Handles Extra charges (ex. FED EX or
    Shipping). ** Also includes t
  • CATTICK1.ZIP (54K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    CatTick v1.00, the Tic processer for Wildcat!
       CatTick will process "very quickly"  all
     your tic's into the proper directory setup
     in Makewild! Then using WCFile and WCMail,
     CatTick will upload the files, and  post a 
     message to your  users reguarding the  new
     uploads.                     DECH Software
  • CDRWCX1A.ZIP (17K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    CDROMS 1.01 by Wade Maxfield. Free. A WCX file. 
    A full (not crippled) implementation of a CD Rom
    subsystem for WildCat version 4.01 BBS. You can
    have up to 18 CD Roms, with up to 99 directories
    in each CD ROM. Offline support included. Download 
    is integrated into the Wildcat download system.  
    Search is supported within the file directories. 
    CD Roms can be added /removed without shutting down 
    Wildcat. Source code can be purchased.
  • CMNT102.ZIP (6K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    Comment 1.02 allows multiple choices for Comments to Sysops.
    Up to 6 Sysops, their respective titles, conference that the
    message will be posted in, and flagging of private or public.
    For WildCat V4.01.  WCX V4.01 utility.
  • CODE25.ZIP (22K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    launch 1000 logon, event and postcall files.
    wc 4.01  Version 2.5  Contains three separate
    programs.  Gives users the option of viewing
    new files since their last call during their
    logon process! Try them as a package today
    for only $10.
  • COMCOS1.ZIP (6K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    COMCOS V1.0 allows your users to leave a comment to the Sysop
    or your CoSysop in the conference of your choice,for WC4.01.

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    CONFBACK v1.0 for Wildcat 4.01 BBS's.
    Sets the callers "Last Conference" to any
    conference you pick.

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    Sets the callers "Last Conference" to any
    conference you pick. Runs as part of the
    POSTCALL.WCX  Easy to install and use.
    Sample POSTCALL.WCX included.
  • CPAGE0.ZIP (7K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    1) Rip Support
    2) Page SysOp (Wildcat internal)
    3) Emergency Page SysOp (Bypasses internal page, Password support)
    4) Comment to SysOp (forces conference 0 then returns to users old conf.)
    5) View who's on-line
    6) User Page (with on-line users displayed)
    7) Quit back to BBS
    8) Goodbye (with goodbye screen support)
    9) Logs reason for SysOp page to activity.#
  • DCATB15.ZIP (34K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    D'CatBack v1.5, Call-Back Verifier
    --- wcCODE for Wildcat! 4.1 
    Sends messages to callers as well as SysOp, with 
    Logging, Duplicate numbers checking, and can be 
    set to allow long distance calls, as well as 
    Prefix settings for those that use area calling.
    911,900,800 aware, also expire dates can be set.
    Can be configured to force the caller to download
    a file prior to call-back process. Also can be
    set to dial for a outside line prior to calling
    back the caller as well.
    This is a VERY NICE Call
  • DCDTCT11.ZIP (10K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    DCDTCT10 Dropped Carrier DeTeCTive v1.0 is a
    wcCODE utility that monitors the way your users
    log off your system.  If it detects a dropped
    carrier it can send either a message to the user
    or display a u#.bbs file to them the next time
    they log on.  Both the message sent and the display
    file can be customized to suit the personality of
    your system. The message conference is also sysop
    selected.  v1.0 includes a bulletin/display/log file
    generator.  Brought to you by Beggar's Banquet.
    Source availab
  • DDCALL40.ZIP (24K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    DDCALL4 v1.01 *FREE* WC4.x caller activity ANSI bulletin
    Creates ANSI/text bulletins for WildCat! 4.x showing caller
    activity including logon, logoff, connect times, caller name,
    no. of messages entered online or via wcMAIL, no. of files
    uploaded/downloaded, bulletins viewed, questionnaires answered,
    newsletter viewed, wcMAIL upload/download, new users, carrier
    droppers, fast logins and sysop paged all on one line per 
    caller + totals. Configurable for security levels, local logons
    and user defined
  • DGCALL21.ZIP (7K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    Pretty decent Caller Log .WCX from The Dobe Gang BBS!
    Written by Terry Conner.  Only my third program, but
    it reads and inputs from activity logs and a .cfg
    file, and a .key file (when registered).  Only $5
    and it will track the # of callers you tell it to.
    Node, Caller, From, Downs, Ups, Time, Date, Msgs, 
    Qwks, TimeOn, BaudRate.....Logs it all.  Use callers
    REAL name, or ALIAS!  You cfg it!  WC! v4.01 ONLY!
    This is v2.5 - I'm keeping the same name so I don't
    clutter up BBSs with old versions.

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    DLWARN v8.0 is a Download versus Messages written!
    For every [1] message written the user is allowed
    to Download so many files. For Wildcat v4.01.
    Get rid of the LEECHES...
    SySop configureable...
    Read the Docs carefully...
    Source code included...
  • DOIT!100.ZIP (10K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    wcDoit! v1.0,wcCODE v4.01 prog. for WC v4.01. 
    A message posting utility that sends a text 
    message to every user in a security level 
    and changes the security level before that
    user logs on your BBS the 2nd time.  It's
    OPTIONS are: attach a file; set expiration 
    date; post in conference of choice; flag 
    message as public or private.  wcDoit! was 
    written to be run from prelog.wcx.  Also 
    maintains log of messages sent and an error 
    log. FREEWARE By: Leon Krzyzanowski
  • DRMGR20.ZIP (6K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    Doormgr.Wcx ver2.0 Will Enforce a Message to 
    Call Ratio to prevent users from entering the
    Door Menu unless they are within the Sysop
    configured Ratio. Sysop can exclude up to
    6 Security Levels from enforcement, and
    can set up 6 special ratio's for seperate
    security levels and  a warning ratio to 
    remind all users of the pending lock-out
    caused by lack of posting.

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    Reads WC4.01 Activity Logs and picks out Users that dropped carrier!
    Can be configured for up to 10 Nodes.
    It is a stand-alone .EXE program written
    in BC7 by Microsoft. The output is placed
    in a pure ASCII file.  FREEWARE!
  • EREQ25.ZIP (26K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    ECHO REQUESTER 2.5 - A wcCode Application
    for WC 4.01! This program will allow your
    users to view an echo list and request echos
    that interest them! No more unwanted echos!
    The Requester will post a message to the
    Sysop with the AreaTag and the requestor's
    name! Configurable conference availalility.
    Currently FREEWARE!! Multi Network Support!
    wcCode Echo Requester Wildcat 4.01
    by Kevin Erickson v2.5 11/07/94
  • EZYPAG11.ZIP (7K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    The EzyPager v1.01 (For Wildcat 4.01) (Freeware! with Source Code) - 
    This program offers callers a chance of chatting with the Sysop after 
    demanding a reason for the page.  It also makes a notation of the 
    reason in the appropriate activitylog file.  It should make our lives 
    a little easier.   It takes away nothing thats built in to Wildcat 
    4.01 (regarding paging the sysop) and adds some stuff we've been 
    screaming about for years.
  • F_AREA.ZIP (4K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    ** F_AREA.WCX **  This program will extract your
    absolute paths from MAKEWILD for your file areas.
    Use as a menu option or with the supplied .BAT
  • FDWCWM20.ZIP (130K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    Setup for Frontdoor v2.12/WC!4/WildMail v4.x with FidoNet.
    This step by step tutorial contains all the needed
    screen captures, batch files, and detail explanations
    to help you in connecting your Wildcat! v4.x BBS using
    Frontdoor v2.12 and WildMail v4.x and other related
    utilities with Fidonet. Sample setup files are included
    for easier setup. Easy step by step installation.
    Written by Mufutau Towobola of Systematic BBS, NYC.
    FidoNet 1:278/111 * Systematic BBS --> (718) 716-6198
  • FE2WC100.ZIP (27K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    FE2WC v1.00 - Frontend to Wildcat translation
    utility. Now supports all versions of
    FrontDoor and InterMail and Wildcat versions
    3 and 4.  Freeware from Lawrence Gordon.

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    SYSOP utility for WC4.01  wcCODE program that
    will make a listing of all your file areas.
    Shows the file area number, name and path.
    Option to print to screen or file. Will
    create a Frontdoor compatible "List.txt" for
    file requests (saves a lot of time).
    R.J. Chalupka

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    Fixuser v1.0 -     Fixes a user's From,
    Addresses, City and Stae fields to the
    correct case. Are you tired of users putting
    in such things as "123 main street" or
    "CHICAGO, IL" with complete disregard for
    the shift key or their caps lock key?  Well
    I am! Therefore, I wrote a short wcCODE
    application to fix the case in the following
    fields:  From, Address 1, Address 2, City
    and State.  It will take a user like this:
    BBS 1804 delta fair blvd.
    APT. #13
    antioch, CA  94509
  • FURNC401.ZIP (5K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    The Furnace Door For Wildcat! 4.01 only! Flame
    next user door in wcCODE. (C)1994
    WasteLands Software, Jeff Wayne author.
    Registration only $10.00! Just another
    ByProduct of The WasteLands
  • GC100.ZIP (8K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    GETCALL ver. 1.00, utility for Wildcat!
    WCCode utility that interfaces with the 
    QRZ! ham call database CD. For version
    4.01 of Wildcat! Shareware.

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    GoldPage for WC4.01 Page Sysop with FREE WCC Source.
    1 - Page SysOp 
    2 - Comment to SysOp 
    3 - Quit back to BBS
    4 - Goodbye 
    5 - Logs reason for SysOp page
    From Gold BBS (305) 854-2135
  • HCALL23.ZIP (46K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    HamCall Lookup program v2.3 THE BAD BOY BBS! 310.3081 by Carl Tice
    WC! 4.01 .wcx...New Features :
       1. Multiple Call Sign Lookups
       2. Will search Wc database for user match with call
       3. Will allow you to download info from the database.
       3. Will allow you to write the user a message if found on the board.
    Requires HAMCALL CD-ROM and Icall.exe
    HAMCALL  CD-ROM is available from BuckMaster
  • HMAIL100.ZIP (254K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    HyperMail! v1.00, the affordable mail tosser.
    HyperMail! offers an incredible suite of
    features while maintaining a low cost.
    HyperMail! boasts a MakeWild-like config 
    program, fast tossing speeds, and an 
    integrated AreaManager.  
    Released 10-05-94.  For WildCat! v4.x.
    An InterProgramming Product - 1:301/3
  • INMSG20.ZIP (17K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    INTERNET MESSENGER 2.0 - wcCode Program that
    will properly address InterNet Mail to a UUCP
    gateway for your users! No more returned mail
    because the user didn't format the addressing
    correctly. User can choose netmail or email!
    Now has PERSONAL Address Books for EACH user!
    Book Bugfix. 11 entries/User! WC 4.01
    CyberDeck Systems INMSG version 2.0 09/10/94

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    JFSCALL.WCX!  A Callback Verifier for Wildcat! v4.01+
    Version 4.01C
    A Complete Callback Verifier that will request a Data 
    phone number, call the user at that phone number, 
    update their security level of your desire, and update 
    their data phone number of what they entered.  Send the 
    user a welcome message and Send the Sysop a Username 
    has been verified message.  This  will also keep a audit 
    trail of who enters this program and will check if same 
    data number is being used by another user for f
  • LCALL-10.ZIP (50K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    Last Caller Lister for Wildcat! 4.01
    Version 1.0. The best one around!
    An easy, automated Last Callers generator!  No more hassles trying
    to to configure hard-to-use, outdated programs!
    - Coded in wcCODE for a fast, smooth interface with WC! 4.01.
    - Creates two bulletins (One for daily calls one ongoing list)
    - Online configuration program.
    - Installation program for easy setup.
    - Many other features...
  • LFME101.ZIP (3K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm


  • LIST211.ZIP (12K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    Listserv v2.11 - lets you run multiple 
    Internet mailing lists from your Wildcat
    v4.x BBS.  FREE wcCODE program!
    Compiled for Wildcat v4.01
    Added the following:
    -2.11: Added support for a custom messgae
           sent out to people that try to post
           to the mailing list when they are
           not a subscriber.
    -2.10: Changed the way Listserv does its 
           displays so it runs smoother.
           LISTUTIL: A few minor bug fixes
    -2.09: Fixed a bug where it would send out
           a blank message if
  • LISTER26.ZIP (4K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    User/Alias Lister 2.6 for Wildcat! 4.01
    wcCODE App that allows the SysOp to list
    the Real Names, Alias Names, and Security
    Levels of everyone on the system. It can
    replace the standard built-in [U]ser List
    function if desired. Allows you to easily
    view which user has what Alias without
    having to do a tedious database search!
  • LOGON0.ZIP (6K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    LOGON.WCC is an improvement of the logon.wcc that came with WcCode 4.x. 
    If you would like a little more features out of your logon, then this 
    might be what your looking for. Here is a list of features:
    1) Will add the line "Users Alias: " to your activity log.
    2) Will prompt users who do not have an alias to create one. And  
       this info can be give via a screen you make, or the generic info 
       given by the program.
    3) Will prompt you at local login if you would like to continue as
  • M_AREA.ZIP (4K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    ** M_AREA.WCX **  This program will extract your
    absolute paths from MAKEWILD for your MSG .DAT
    files.  Use as a menu option or with the supplied
    .BAT file.
  • MIMIC.ZIP (61K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    MIMIC, version 2.00, is a Wildcat! 4.x
    and 3.x utility that formats a text file
    for import into the message database,
    using the Wildcat! UTIIMPRT program.
    It will import a message to a single
    user (useful for sysop reports) or it
    will read a mailing list and send the
    same message to all users on the list.
  • MPGE10.ZIP (3K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    This VERY small program was written and compiled using WCCode 4.01.
    MSGPAGE works the same as the [E]nter Message command in your message
    menu with one exception.  After you finish entering a message, and
    [S]ave it, MSGPAGE will check all active nodes for the person who you
    wrote the message to.  If that person is online, MSGPAGE will send the
    user a system page to inform him or her that there is a new message
    This program is FreeWare!
  • MSG2NU3R.ZIP (9K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    MESSAGE TO NEW USER v3.0 (WC4.01)
    Posts a SYSOP defined welcome message to a
    new user.  The new user will have "Personal
    Mail Waiting" on his first call!  Option to
    post a message to the SYSOP notifying him of
    the new user. Also has a "Set Conference"
    function to put all users in a certain
    conference area at logon. Posts a "New user
    MSG sent" in the activity log. SYSOP
    configurable via CFG file. Coded by R.Chalupka
  • MSI_LC0.ZIP (5K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    ─Today's Caller List─ v1.25
    POWERFUL.  Minor Bug Fix
    is a full LOGON program written in WcCode
    v4.01. It lists today's callers in a colorful
    ANSI-BBS format. It will also call for Mystik
    Software's Utility that will Send new users a
    file explaining your BBS (Also available on  
    this BBS as MSI_NUFS.ZIP), if you are using 
    this add-on utility. Registration for Today's 
    Caller List is only $8.00!
    Mystik Software,Inc
  • MVCA130B.ZIP (32K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    No description given.

  • NETBULL2.ZIP (85K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    NETBULL version 2.46ßeta-4 makes screens
    of echomail activity from wcGATE,wcECHO,
    WILDMAIL, and POSTLINK,including
    detailed bulletin, summary, HELLO
    screen, and a wcMAIL or Tomcat opening
    display screen.
  • NEWFLOP0.ZIP (72K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    NEWFLOP ver. 1.09, util for Wildcat! 4.0.
    Produces up to 10 output files listing 
    new uploads in the past 'nn' days.  Any
    number of days from 1-365 may be speci-
    fied.  List may be sorted globally or
    by file area.  Allows single- or double-
    line listing.
  • NMKR100.ZIP (18K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    NewsMaker 1.00ß by CompuWizz Systems
    Excellent utility written in wcCODE 4.01 that will make
    creating and maintaining your NEWSLTR.BBS file (or any
    other file you choose) quick and painless.
    Some Features Include:
            ■ Easy to install
            ■ Attractive Output Screens
            ■ Menu Driven
            ■ Local & Remote Operation Supported
            ■ Edit News File Online (locally)
            ■ Upload Pre-Edited Newsfile (remote)
            ■ Very Configurable
            ■ Multiple Output Formats
  • NMLMSG10.ZIP (35K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    │        NML2MSG Version 1.0        │
    │    (C)1994 Heavenware Software    │
    │  Converts WildMail .NML files to  │
    │  Fido .MSG files for editor and   │
    │ external/internal mail processing │
    │    Registration is only $5.00

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    No description given.


    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    NODESTUF, version 1.00, for Wildcat
    version 4.x, allows you to control how
    the [W]ho's Online command displays info
    for nodes running events such as echomail
    tasks, etc.
  • NPPAGE05.ZIP (13K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    NPPAGE04 Near Perfect Pager v0.5
    A feature packed pager module for
    WildCat! v4.01. Includes Configurable
    day by day Paging Hours, Twit Filter
    with Sysop created Display File. Good
    User list for auto informing of off
    hours over ride Password changes. No
    page with out a stated reason from
    user. Supports user record page flags
    and is hotkeys aware. If you've been
    looking for a quality pager for WC
    4.01 stop looking, this is it!
    Compiled using wcCode v4.01. 12/18/94.
    Brought to you by Beggar's Banq
  • OBL11.ZIP (9K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    Our BBS List v1.1
    A .WCX program that will allow members of
    your WILDCAT! v4.01 BBS to add their own
    BBS information that is compiled directly into
    a color Bulletin or Goodbye.BBS file.
    v 1.1 Now makes a Text file for download and 
    has several improvements!
    Fast, direct way to start an ongoing BBS list
    for download or display.
    Fully operational......Not Crippleware!!!
    No expiration
    v1.1 Fixes the "over-right bug"!
    Computer One BBS (818)763-9006
  • P&Q.ZIP (5K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    ┌███████ ┌██████
    └─┐███─┘ │███──┘  Peace 'n Quiet - a WCCode app for WildCat! 4.01=< offers
      │███   │███     individual control of Sysop Page and bell on any node.
      │███   │███     If you run a front-end mailer you need to check this out!
      │███   │██████  TC Systems' shareware - $5 registration
      └──┘   └─────┘
  • PAGER102.ZIP (6K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    PAGER101 V2.0 By: FLaCiD'94 {ALL Bugs Fixed}
    Everything that you may EVER need!
    This is the Ultimate Page Replacement Program!
    ─  Easy to use  
    ─  Good Graphics
    ─  Many Options
    ─  Light Bar Support
    ─  Cool Sounds 
    ─  Lots More!
    Just Download it, and try it.. 
    For WildCat OnlY
    Complied with WCcode 4.01
  • PAGER22.ZIP (4K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    Custom SysOp Pager 2.2 for Wildcat! 4.01
    wcCODE App that replaces the standard SysOp
    Page option. It will prompt the user for a
    reason of upto two lines as to the reason
    for their page. Twit filter allows the
    SysOp to select upto three Sec Levels that
    will NOT have access to the Pager. It also
    writes to the activty log showing you their
    reason for the page if you weren't around!
  • RAMPAGE4.ZIP (13K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    RamPage v4.01. The Complete Wildcat 4.01+ Paging System.
    FREEWARE! SysOp customizable ANSI & RIP Screens. ANSI/RIP
    Support. Password Protected Emergency Page option, Comment
    to Sysop in Conference 0 (Private E-Mail), prompts user to
    give Reason for Regular, and Emergency page, ability to
    Lock Out annoying users who abuse the Page SysOp feature, 
    and more. RAMPAGE.WCC included!
  • RO_TATE6.ZIP (7K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    wcROTATE - 5.0      (C) Online Real Estate Consulting
    Display Advertisement Files Complete With Attachments
    Callers View Wildcat Display Files As Ads.  Caller Can 
    Download All Types Of Attachments While Viewing Ads.
    Attachments Can Be GIF, TXT, ZIP, PCX, Or Any Type Of
    File The Sysop Chooses.  Easy To Set Up And Use.  Earn 
    Extra BBS Income By Operating An Ad Service.  Good DOC 
    File.  Share
  • RUNWCX15.ZIP (4K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    RUN-WCX 1.5 - Test WC 4.01 WCX files without creating a new menu 
    option!  Written by Robert Robertson - A Free RobCo! Production. 
    Easily test new .Wcx files with this utility.  It will prompt you
    for a directory or default you to WcHome where it will list all
    available .Wcx files.  You are then prompted for which one to run.
    What could be easier!!!  Download it today.  Compiled for Wildcat
    verison 4.01   
    Robert Robertson 
  • SCANI02B.ZIP (21K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    ░▒▓ SCANIT! ▓▒░ v.02b (BETA) Wildcat archive/virus scan util
    This version of SCANIT will test .EXE, .ZIP, and .ARJ
    files for integrity/virii.  It runs on WildCat 4.01
    systems.  It is not crippled (it's fully functional
    for testing the above files) and requires no key.
    The BETA version of SCANIT is FREE!
    The final release of SCANIT _WILL_ have a $10.00
    registration fee and a key file.  Please download
    and read the docs for more information.
    From the author of the WildStuff Utilities! WildSta
  • SCNFR010.ZIP (82K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    ScanFreq Scanner Frequency Database   program .WCC format Wldct 4.01  
    This program is in wcCODE format. It will run with WildCat! version 4.01
    and above. It is an excellent database for your scanner frequencies.
    Your users can display any frequencies in the database or add their own.
    It has great graphics and runs very quickly. This will make a great 
    addition to any Law Enforcement, Ham Operator, or Scanner enthusiast BBS.
    Full support on our BBS.
    CODE-3 BBS (714) 534-9196
  • SUBB100.ZIP (224K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    Subber v1.00  - The Character Subber!
    Subber is designed to substitute characters
    in a WildCat! bulletin, menu, or other .BBS
    display file.  Create a generic background
    using WCDraw or TheDraw, and create text
    using your favorite text editor.  Use Subber
    to combine the two together!  Ideal for BBS
    system notices, news, & info screens that
    need to be changed frequently.  Version
    1.00 is the initial release of Subber.
  • SYSPG13.ZIP (5K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    SYSOP PAGE v1.3 by DreddWare 
    wcCODE for Wildcat! v4.01
    Inserts a Reason before [P]aging the SysOp 
    command in Wildcat!. Writes to the activity  
    log and will not leave empty reasons without
    forcing a comment.                         
    Written by Jamie Lee of DreddWare(c)
    The Inner Sanctum 
    Welland,ON Canada
    1:247/500 @FidoNet   
    131:9050/100 @XeroNet 
    SYSOP PAGE v1.3 is FreeWare!
  • TABSCAT4.ZIP (20K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    Tabscat! v2.2 for Wildcat 4.01, From Pagoda Software.
    New for Wildcat 4.01 enabling the use of TABS ID's
    for user upgrades. Complete with support for both
    $10 and $25 ID's. Sets expiration date, and allows
    for multiple user upgrades, option to send a message
    to users who upgrade.
  • TDYLST41.ZIP (47K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    This simple utility will scan your Wildcat files database
    and create a text file of new uploads in your specified
    areas. The areas and dates for the scan are easily changed.
    Version 4.11, Multiple Configuration Files & Bug Fixes
  • TGW200.ZIP (23K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    The Ultimate One-Liner Program for WildCat! v.4.01+ BBS's!
    The Graffiti Wall is the ultimate One-Liner program for
    a WildCat! v.4.01+ BBS!  A wcCODE application.  You do
    not have to have wcCODE to run The Graffiti Wall!  The 
    TGW allows up to 13 lines of one-liners, all editable by
    the SysOp.  Great SysOp utilites built into TGW, like 
    Page User, Write user, and MORE!  Send One-Liners to
    users on other nodes, next call, and more! Try it!
    By: Michael Buonaccorsi of The Andromeda BBS (301)283-3746
  • TIMES16.ZIP (29K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    TIMESAVER V1.6 WC Code Time Bank/Games For Wildcat 4.01 ONLY *FREEWARE*
    Allows users to save online time for later use.  maximum save time can 
    be configured, it also writes to Wildcat Log Files. 
    Now Includes Lotto, a game that allows users to gamble online time
    based on random numbers pick by the computer.  at this time is set up
    for only one win per call or day or week what ever.... 
    *NEW  just added TIMESAVER Treasure Hunt, Users can win time by landing
    on the right squares on a grid of 3
  • TJNEW10.ZIP (16K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    TJNew v1.00 (WCX) displays all new callers to
    your BBS in a display screen of your choice.
    See doc's for setup and installation. A free
    Wildcat! utility program from T&J Software.
  • TJYEST20.ZIP (62K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    TJYest v2.00 -- Activity Log analyzer for
    Wildcat! 3&4 BBS's which makes a nice
    display screen of who called yesterday.
    Display shows time, name, and baud rate.
    Local logons do not show, easy setup and
    easily configures for multi-nodes.
    A FREE utility brought to you from T&J
  • USRQUO17.ZIP (9K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    User Quote v1.7
    A .WCX program that will allow members of 
    your WILDCAT! v4.01 BBS to add their own 
    Quote of the day to your QUOTES.BBS display 
    file or any other display file.
    Advertise your BBS on your own BBS. Great 
    for those users that like to comment about 
    your system.  Even includes automatic user 
    signature and sysop-only configuration menu!
    Boost subscriptions/donations. 
    Fully operational......Not Crippleware!!!
    No expiration
    v1.7 EXTRA'S ADDED...Quote Colors gone crazy!
    fixed some

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    UUORPHAN V1.00 for Wildcat! 4.x/wcGATE
    This util reports orphaned uucp news-
    groups which are not defined in your
    NEWSGRPS.DAT file, but are being
    included in your uucp download.
  • WC-CALV1.ZIP (16K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    WC-CALL V1.0 Callback Verifier
    for Wildcat 4.01. LongDistance
    and Local call backs. Multi 
    Security Level Call Backs. Dupe
    phone number checking.
    Registration only $15.00
    Copyright (c) 1994 by
    RT SoftWare Dev.
  • WC-WWIV3.ZIP (35K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    Allow WILDCAT 4.x sysops to run WWIV as a DOOR, thus allowing WC Sysops
    to get WWIV-NET! Now allows fast log-on for users, sysop warnings on
    user log-on, and a config file. Freeware of course!
    Uses DOOR.SYS generated by WC 4.X
    Now Works with Deskview!
    Written by: Marty Lineberry
    Nightmare Software Creations BBS:-1(910)744-9054
    QB4.5 Source included. Ver 1.3
  • WC41TABS.ZIP (40K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    WildTabs! for Wildcat! 4.0  Allows using the
    TABS auto-upgrading system with a Wildcat!
    BBS.  Users call a 900 number to upgrade
    their membership on your BBS, and you sit
    back and collect a check from TABS!  Easy to
    use and your callers will love not having to
    use a credit card!
  • WC4WLF.ZIP (3K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

     WC4WLF   Robocomm 4.2 Prompt File for WC4+
     Updated Robocom Prompt file for WC 4.01     
    It was updated from a previous prompt file.  
    Can be used to u/l and d/l mail, files, etc.
    Changed by William Flores

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    wcARCHIE 4.01 - Totally Uncrippled Set Of Remote
    BBS Utilities.  Unlock Your Files For E-Mail
    Users And Free Up Your Incoming Phone Lines!
    REGISTERED VERSION Has Auto-Reply And Mailbot!
    ARCHIE  - Search Entire File Database Via E-Mail
    GETFILE - Retrieve Files Via FTPMAIL-Like Server
    PUTFILE - Accept Incoming E-Mail Uploads
    GETINFO - Auto-Reply
    MAILBOT - Unattended Mail Server
    FINGER  - Locate BBS Users Via E-Mail
  • WCAV10.ZIP (7K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    wcAlias V1.0  "The Easy Alias Changer!"
    + Written in wcCODE 4.01, 1-250 Nodes, WC! 4.01 compatible
    + Nice little program, clean and simple
    + Callers really love the simplicity of this little gem
    + Easy to install, easier to operate, no maintenance
    + Download and put'r up tonight. Ask the callers what they think!
  • WCBYE02.ZIP (6K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    wcBYE for WC 4.01+.  Leave a message to the next user,
    leave a comment to the Sysop or just plain goodbye!
    Message to next user with 5 lines, 70 characters per
    line capability, logs everything to Activity Log,
    make a display file of you choice plus optional copy
    for those who use RAM disk for display files and more.
    More RobWare!
    Uploaded by: Robert Breault
  • WCCUTL14.ZIP (14K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    WCCUTIL 1.4 for WC!4.01. Versitile SysOp
    WCX test utility. SMALLER and MORE
    as well as Local. Call any directory
    from within WCCUTIL, no need to change
    path in the CFG file. RUN or CHAIN
    another WCX application. Run your Editor
    /Compiler from within WCCUTIL. Shell to
    DOS. Call up an ASCII editor as well as
    another of your favorite utility progs.
    * NOW looks more like a native Wildcat!
    utility.  * Added more error traps. *
    * Added switch to enable HotKeys *
  • WCFID213.ZIP (86K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    WCFIDO 2.13 Netmail Door for Wildcat! 4.x systems, will allow a
    caller to enter a Fidonet style address, and, if a supported nodelist
    is available, information about that address will be displayed. The
    caller may also enter the name of a listed sysop if the address is not
    WCFIDO supports all interfaces, nodelist lookup using multiple
    nodelist types, multiple languages, prompt file, netmail charging,
    message forwarding, several message flags, and "fuzzy points."
    Editable prompt file included
  • WCFT400.ZIP (213K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    WildCat File Tools 4.00 - File database
    utilities for Wildcat 4.x.  Create an
    allfiles report, create summary reports,
    check usage of CDROMs, and more!  With
    registration, you receive extra tools
    to copy files from CDROM to disk, delete
    or move groups of files, and change
    CDROM drive letters.
  • WCFTP13.ZIP (9K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    FTP via E-Mail, Auto response message, File request available.
    This is a powerful utility for Wildcat 4+ Sysop who may want
    AutoResponse function with your Internet mail processor. You also
    can use it to Dist your software.... peoples don't need to call your
    board, and they can send a E-Mail to ftp@UUCPname.xxx and use
    Subject:HELP to get whole information. more and more..... you also
    can charge a membership fee from another Internet users when they
    want to continue to use this service. This is a sha
  • WCHTP221.ZIP (141K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

          ** WildChat Professional v2.2 **       
     The Best Chat Add On Ever!  WildChat Pro from  
     PC Professionals is a Multi-Line Chat add on   
     that can be used by WildCat! 3.X & 4X,         
     PCBoard 15.X and any BBS package that can      
     generate DOOR.SYS when executing a door.       
     WildChat features support for Serial, DigiBoard 
     & Fossil device layers.  Also includes exciting 
     line by line chat with 'Action' messaging and  
     Split Screen Chat similiar to most SysOp to    
     user chat in
  • WCMON217.ZIP (146K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    **************** WCMON 2.17  ****************
    Wildcat System Monitor and Control System.
    Simply the best monitoring system for a
    Wildcat multiline system.  Allows virtually
    total control of your system from ONE
    station, Including Chat, system down AND
    up, user controls etc...
    Try it out and see for yourself

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    A WcCode program to allow callers
    to search nodelists for other BBS's
    that carry their favorite network.
  • WCPAGE02.ZIP (8K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    WCPage v1.4! Great SysOp Pager For Wildcat! v4.01! Shareware $5.00!
  • WCPAGE05.ZIP (5K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    wcPAGE for WC 4.01+ with Guns and Roses Melody!
    Are you tired of the standard beeps that the standard
    page has, check this one out.  Also asks user if
    they really want to page you, quit back to BBS, or
    Goodbye and logoff. If they want to page you, it
    asks them why (70 char), logs their response, and
    if its over 5 characters (so they don't just press
    [ENTER], it plays the first 3 riffs to "Sweet
    Child O' Mine" by Guns and Roses!
    Can be used with wcBYE another RobWare! product.
    More RobWare!
  • WCPGD10.ZIP (6K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    wcPAGE Deluxe v1.0.  Sysop Page
    replacement for WildCat! v4.01.
    Includes 1 line reason, emergency
    chat with password (plays Axel-F)
    locally, full logging, and more.
    Included:  Compiled 4.01 WCX and
    full WCC Source code.  Free from
    DreamWARE Communications.
  • WCPOST.ZIP (17K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    wcPOST v1.40, Auto-Message posting, w/Source for WC! v4.01.
    Features:   There are two different programs in one.  One can be used/
    run from a Menu operated system, the other may be run as an event. Both
    programs are Multi-Node aware! You can have the wcPOST (Event) program
    send YOU (SysOp) up to 10 different text files.  The wcPOST (Menu)
    program will let you specify the Subject of the messages to the Users
    and also the Conference Number to place the new mail.  This is a must
    have for keeping up wi
  • WCQQ10.ZIP (7K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:41 pm

    wcQQ v1.0 - Wildcat Quick Quotes for Wildcat!
    4.x  systems only.  Fantastic  incentive  for
    users to enter short quotes or "funnies" that
    will be  displayed to others.  *SOME*  of the
    features include Automatic Language checking,
    User can  add his/her initials automatically,
    or  be anonymous,  Quotes randomly colorized,
    runs  contests, and best of all its  **FREE**
    (Runs as .WCX application - Fast & Efficient)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:42 pm

    No description given.

  • WCSPYV13.ZIP (9K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:42 pm

    wcSPY V1.03  "The Too Cool Who's On-Line Alternative"
    + Written in wcCODE 4.01, 1-250 Nodes, WC! 4.01 compatible
    + Nice little program, clean and simple
    + Shows nifty caller profile stuff (nothing private)
    + Displays some cool node information
    + Allows for paging by node number, instead of caller name
    + Easy to install, easier to operate, no maintenance
    + Download and put'r up tonight. Ask the callers what they think!
  • WCSV116.ZIP (49K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:42 pm

    wcSECURE V1.16  "The Professional Sysop's Choice for BBS Security"
    wcSECURE is a professionally developed BBS security tool for todays
    BBS environment. You need the edge this program can give you over
    fake, bogus, duplicate and kiddie hacker callers. This is the most
    comprehensive BBS security utility available for Wildcat! Systems.
    Feature Highlights:
    * Written in wcCODE, compatible with all 4.01 Wildcat! Systems
    * Logon.Wcx or Menu option compatible
    * Completely automated process of caller s
  • WCTIC110.ZIP (126K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:42 pm

    No description given.

  • WCVFY.ZIP (28K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:42 pm

    wcVFY v1.40, Call-Back Verifier, FREEWARE w/Source for WC! v4.01.
    Duplicate checking, logging, message sending abilities.
    This is a GOOD working Call-Back Verifier for all Wildcat!
    v4.0x BBS's.  wcVFY is Multi-Node aware!  Comes with a
    Utility program that creates the Dupe file, searches the
    file for phone number matches and also Name matches. Long
    Distance calling is supported. Source Code is included,
    change it if you like.
    *** FREEWARE *** written by Stephen Barclay, The Taz's BBS

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:42 pm

    * WCX LogOff Version 3.0 *
    WCX LogOff enhances your
    Wildcat version 4.01 [G]
    (goodbye) function by allowing
    the caller to leave a comment,
    abort the log off, log off, or
    leave graffitti on the built-in
    graffitti wall. Self maintaining!
    Easy installation.
    From ASISTEC Software.

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:42 pm

    WCX Menuing Utility for WC4.01. Allows
    edit/run/chain of WCC programs, mini-
    scripts, local & remote editing, and
    drop-dos supported. Security Levels.
    All without using MAKEMENU. FREEWARE.

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:42 pm

     ┌─[ WCX Page Version 2.0b By ASISTEC Software ]─┐
     │                                               │
     │  WCX Page is a page function enhancement for  │
     │  Wildcat version 4.01 systems.                │
     │                                               │
     │  It includes enhanced graphics and asks your  │
     │  users the reason for paging you.             │
     │                                               │
     │  It also logs the users name and the reason   │
     │  for the page into your activity log!

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:42 pm

    ┌-[ WCX Quote Version 1.0b By ASISTEC Software ]─┐
    │                                                │
    │ A quote of the day generator for Wildcat 4.01  │
    │ BBS systems.                                   │
    │                                                │
    │ Your users can add their own quote of the day  │
    │ to your QUOTES.BBS file.                       │
    │                                                │
    │ No maintainence, easy insallation.

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:42 pm

    WHOCALL 2.1 is a Wildcat 4.01 WCC 
    program to create a bulletin (or other 
    display file) of today's callers. It 
    should be called from POSTCALL.WCX. 
    WHOCALL makes an entry into the bulletin 
    each time a caller logs off. It list's 
    the caller's name, where s/he's from, 
    the time of the call, the length of the 
    call, the baud rate, and the total 
    number of messages the caller has left 
    on your system. Currently, all nodes are 
    combined into a single bulletin. The 
    bulletin (or display) is reset w

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:42 pm

    USER'S CALLER STATS! (UCS) for Wildcat 4.01 [1/1]
    by Peter S. Richards (noted sysop and programmer)
    This program will display user's daily calling
    stats in the DISPLAY file your specify.  There
    are two formats, and it's SUPER easy to setup.
    Fully functional copy!
  • WHOS401A.ZIP (4K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:42 pm

    Who's Online is a WCX code utility for
    WildCat V4.01 that, when used as a
    menu option, will replace Wildcat's
    traditional Who's Online function. This
    program will display only the node
    number, caller's name, where from, and
    caller's status or activity. You may
    also specify a low number and high
    number range of node numbers to be
    displayed and one node number to hide
    from the user's view. FREE!

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:42 pm

    WHOSON v1.1 a replacement for [W]ho's on. Will show alias inplace
    of real name. Now will show Real name if user has no alias. Simple
    to use. *FREE* come with source code. 
    Brian's World Software
    (714) 530-3123

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:42 pm

      -*- CUSTOM WILDCAT 4.01 UTILS v2.0 -*-
       This utils package contains a completely custom
      set of a wildcat pager module..a Handy Loggoff utility
      and a message to next caller utility..These are mear
      demos of the products however they are fully functional.
       If you like the layout of these files then call my board
      and I will create you the ultimate in custom utilities 
      that will be designed for your board and your board only.
      The features that these contain at the present time are
  • WLINE1_4.ZIP (7K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:42 pm

                   WildLine V1.3
       This Is a oneliner program written in 
    WcCode 4.01. It include's the logon2.wcx File 
    and the needed files to run.. You need WC4.01M
    put these files in the Wildcat Home directory and youre ready 
    to fly.. It will remove bad word's with a # from 
    B_words.txt File included in this archive.. It will
    Also keep a wildline.log with the users name and node 
    number This is for the sysops. Use as a menu hook or
  • WM41-WC3.ZIP (925K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:42 pm

    No description given.

  • WM41-WC4.ZIP (924K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:42 pm

    No description given.

  • WNWPAGE2.ZIP (13K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:42 pm

    WNWPager gives WC4.1 BBS a better sysop
    pager with more options like Reg page.
    Super Page with password, Force newuser's
    to download or any user to download file's
    from the pager. Superpage offers user's 3
    kinds of page sounds to send to Sysop.
  • WT-STRP.ZIP (21K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:42 pm

    v1.0 Strip @-codes (Public Domain) From: WildTime 
    Removes @-codes from files to convert them to ansi
  • WTAB100.ZIP (16K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:42 pm

    WILDTAB v1.00 - WILDTAB is a wcCODE TABS 
    program written for Wildcat 4.01. 
    It is an excellent program providing 
    multiple upgrade levels, support for $10 
    & $25 TABS codes, and sysop monitoring. 
    It is not crippled.  All that is asked 
    is that if you like it to please donate 
    so that the sysop does not lose interest 
    in maintaining the program.
  • WVER.ZIP (33K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:42 pm

    wwVerify ver 1.11 is a wcCODE callback verifier for Wildcat! 4.01
    It is loaded with features and is very configurable!
    Partial list of features and abilities:
    * can run as part of the logon process or as a menu selection.
    * can block ANY numbers that you do not want dialed.
    * can block long distance call backs completely or "by time of day".
    * can block specified area codes.
    * can scan user database for duplicate telephone numbers.
    * security level upgrade is
  • WVPI-15.ZIP (153K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:42 pm

    wcCODE VGA Planets Door Interface for WildCat v4.O1 BBS
    Manage up to 30 (5)  Games.  Integrated  Player Editor.
    Group D/Load & U/Load Feature (Uses WildCat Protocols).
    Use of Alias or  Real Name in Door.  Toggle Computer AI
    for each Race, for missed turns. Internal File Library.
    Online BBS Number Listing. Online Help for  VGA Planets
    Play and VPI Commands.  Internal Mailroom (Uses WildCat
    Message  Editor). ScoreBoard  Generator included. Built
    in Player Race Name Editor.  View  Game Password if you