• Synchronet BBS Utility: Fido/FTN sbbsecho.log processor

    From Pbmountaincat to All on Saturday, June 24, 2006 14:01:39


    Do you run a Synchronet BBS with FidoNet/FTN message areas?

    Would you like a bulletin showing a monthly total of imported and exported messages?

    You can change bulletin colors to match your color theme.

    If you are interested in a FREE utility for your BBS, please download it
    from the links below:

    From FTP:<a target="new" href="ftp://flamingstar.no-ip.info/main/general/echolog.zip">echolog.zip (FOR DOS/WINDOWS ONLY)</a><p>
    From WWW:<a target="new" href="http://flamingstar.no-ip.info/bbs/echolog.zip">echolog.zip (FOR DOS/WINDOWS ONLY)</a><p>

    ECHOLOG Version 1.5 Reads Synchronet v3.13a
    SBBSECHO.LOG file and creates a bulletin
    showing monthly totals of imported/exported
    messages on FidoNet and other FTN networks.
    Bulletin colors are configurable to match
    your color theme. From Philip Brown
    The Flaming Star BBS - www.flamingstar.com *******************************************

    Searching ZIP: ECHOLOG.ZIP

    Length Method Size Ratio Date Time CRC-32 Attr Name
    ------ ------ ----- ----- ---- ---- -------- ---- ----
    131 DeflatX 106 20% 06-21-06 16:44 0aef807c --w- BULLETIN.DBF
    163 DeflatX 121 26% 06-21-06 16:44 90c40710 --w- ECHOLOG.DBF
    168176 DeflatX 78276 54% 06-22-06 16:48 98165e8c --w- ECHOLOG.EXE
    392 DeflatX 232 41% 06-21-06 17:14 c8885507 --w- FILE_ID.DIZ
    5533 DeflatX 1754 69% 06-21-06 22:08 dee90f5a --w- README.TXT
    483 DeflatX 327 33% 06-21-06 17:17 41ff2255 --w- SETUP.DBF
    175696 DeflatX 79963 55% 06-21-06 21:53 02261863 --w- SETUP.EXE
    67 DeflatX 60 11% 06-21-06 16:44 2c038883 --w- TEMP.DBF
    ------ ------ --- -------
    350641 160839 55% 8

    +----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
    | FidoNet/FTN Echo Mail Bulletin Maker, Ver 1.5 * Copyright 2006 Philip Brown |

    +----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +

    Note: This program was tested using Synchronet BBS Software Version 3.13a

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