• League 317

    From Access Denied to X-Bit on Saturday, May 13, 2006 10:39:21
    Re: League 317
    By: X-Bit to All on Sun Mar 19 2006 02:55 am

    I'm looking to start up an interbbs-league w/ the name of League 317 (short for the 31337:) This league will not have any SRGames (BRE/FE/TAL) but will have the following: Kingdoms, LORE, Iron Ox, ArrowBridge I, ArrowBridge ][, The Quest For Nora. If you would like to join League 317, the app is below.

    Is this still going to happen? Cuz you KNOW I'm interested. :)

    Access Denied +o The Pharcyde

    ... A bad day BBSing is better than a good day at work.