• InterBBS League 777

    From Rob McGee to All on Wednesday, January 12, 2005 09:08:04
    The xxx
    xxx xxx
    xxx xxx
    xxx xxx
    xxx xxx
    xxx League (777,701,13)

    League 777 is the World's Largest BRE and FE league.

    * BRE - FE - TAL
    * Kingdoms
    * Inter-LORD
    * ArrowBridge I & II
    * Clans
    * iMMortal coMbat
    * LORE
    * Iron OX
    * More? :)

    Extra Notes:

    * Sysops! Every want to join an InterBBS league but didn't know how?
    access this page for help --> http://x-bit.org/irex/irex777.htm

    * Currently The "X" League hosts the worlds lagrest BRE and FE games.

    * Travel Times in the hours, no NO DATA from other teams.

    To Join:

    * Application: http://x-bit.org/777_app.zip
    * Main 777 webpage: http://x-bit.org/777.htm
    * HOWTO join page: http://x-bit.org/irex/irex777.htm

    Thanks :)

    ... A fool and his money soon becomes a SysOp.
    The X-BIT BBS --> http://x-bit.org
    The "X" League InterBBS 777 --> http://x-bit.org/777.htm