• ALLU_200.ZIP (32K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:50 pm

    ALLUSERS v2.00 - Bulk user editor. Allows
    sysop to change levels, add or remove flags,
    exemptions or restrictions from some or all
    users (based on security). Includes complete
    C source code. Another FREE Synchronet
    utility from Digital Dynamics.
  • BUP_101B.ZIP (10K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:50 pm

    BATCH UPLOADER v1.00 for SynchroNet BBS.
    A utility to add files in bulk to
    your bbs.  Uses the first line of 
    FILE_ID.DIZ as the first line 
    description for SynchroNet and
    both the whole FILE_ID.DIZ  as 
    the extended description.

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:50 pm

    Domain Bulletins v1.12
    Logon bulletins for Synchronet BBS
    systems.  Supports up to 99 bulletins
    in .RIP, .ASC and .ANS format.
    Fully functional, $10 Shareware.
  • DPOK140.ZIP (91K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:50 pm

    Domain Poker v1.40 (UNREGISTERED)
    A 5 card draw, multi-player, interactive
    poker game for Synchronet BBS systems.
    Supports multiple tables/limits and an
    intelligent computer opponent.

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:50 pm

    Domain Upload Tester v1.11a (UNREGISTERED)
    A file upload tester and virus scanner
    written especially for Synchronet BBS
    systems.  Supports several virus
    scanners and compression types, as well
    as GIF testing and multi-level archive
    testing.  Also supports fossil drivers.
  • FILES.BBS (6K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:50 pm


  • LOTTO105.ZIP (44K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:50 pm

        ** Lottery Door **
     ** for Synchronet BBS **
        ** version 1.05 **
    Synchronet Lotto is a door
    game where users can buy 
    tickets to potentially win 
    credits, just like a regular
    lottery.  It can be used as
    a regular external program
    or also as a LOGOFF event.
    Version 1.05 contains bug
    fixes to version 1.00
    (c)1994 CryptSoft Software
    Compiled: 03-21-94
  • SBBS1C02.ZIP (746K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:50 pm

    Synchronet v1c r1 Multinode BBS Software
    Unregistered demo limitation of 20 users.
    Internal QWK off-line reader and network
    support. FidoNet and PostLink compatible.
    Multichannel and private key-by-key chat
    between nodes. Includes 3 multiplayer games
    and multiuser external program software
    development kit (XSDK) for C programmers.
    Internal support for CD-ROM and multidisk
    changers. DV, OS/2 & Win enhanced operation.

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:50 pm

    No description given.


    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:50 pm

    Synchronet BBS List (ASCII Text)
    List of Synchronet BBSs sorted by phone
    number. Exported weekly, entries are
    auto-deleted after 90 days if not updated
    or validated. This is not a complete list
    of all Synchronet BBSs; only those whose
    sysops have placed their BBS in our online
    database. Maintained by Digital Dynamics.
  • SCB_112.ZIP (77K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:50 pm

    Synchronet Callback (verifier) v1.12
    Callback verifier for Synchronet BBS
    (Unregistered) by Digital Dynamics
    Extremely flexible and easy to use
  • SCP22.ZIP (26K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:50 pm

    Supernet Centepede is a FREE add-on centepede door
    game. This program works with Synchronet BBS, and
    was written especially with kids in mind.
    Written by Paul Brandt at 1:228/95 Fido-Net, or
    (616) 895-9677 - The Suite 16 BBS.
  • SMB_110A.ZIP (280K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:50 pm

    Synchronet Message Base Specification v1.10
    Released 03/28/94. Designed for high volume,
    high speed, multi-network, multimedia e-mail
    storage and retrieval. Attention Developers:
    Includes 79 page technical specification,
    34 function royalty free C library, C source
    code to message base utility program, and
    C source code to conversion programs from
    QWK, Fido (FTSC-1), Internet (RFC-822), and
    Synchronet (v1c) message formats.
  • SUTL1C02.ZIP (668K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:50 pm

    No description given.