• 0394SON.ZIP (9K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

     ======== SON-net ============
    We are looking for some quality bbs's
    to join SON-net. This Network is for
    the discussion of Biblical matters
    from a Bible-Believing Christian
    perspective. Mar 1994 packet.
    (Now a high speed modem on each node)
  • 1C_NNET.ZIP (9K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    Information packet on NIGHTNet! 02/94
    A new National E-Mail network.
    Come grow with us! Easy to
    join and no fees.
  • 4660A.ZIP (6K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm


  • ACCNET42.ZIP (23K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    █                                         █
    █              ┌───────────┐              █
    █              │ AccessNet │              █
    █              └───────────┘              █
    █                                         █
    █  Friendly netmail, in a class by itself █
    █     ─── Established April, 1991 ───     █
     Supported interf
  • ADDR1193.ZIP (13K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    No description given.


    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    No description given.

  • AMER9307.ZIP (15K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    AmericaNet Echo Mail Net Info File July 1993
    Are you looking for a .QWK/PCRelay Network?
    Well, here is a good one. We have conference
    dealing with computers, software, hardware,
    reviews, and probably just about anything 
    that you are looking for.
    For more information, call the NetHost BBS
    at (805) 967-8744 {The Cathouse BBS}.
  • ANNX0294.ZIP (21K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    Not a computer network... a people network!
    Find out more about this exciting new QWK
    network.  All of our procedures, policies,
    conference and node listings, and admission 
    information are contained in this archive.
  • ARNET024.ZIP (4K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    ARnet EchoMail Network Information Pack 
    ARnet is an Amateur Radio Oriented Net   
    FIDO & QWK distribution available

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    BBS Basics, information for new BBS users!
    Reprinted Courtesy Pasco BBS Magazine.
  • BD20.ZIP (165K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm



    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    │ ░░▒▒▓▓██     MLPNET.ZIP    ██▓▓▒▒░░ │
    │ Information  on  how  to  join  the │
    │ growing MLPNET from  The  NASA  MLP │
    │ BBS in Port  Orchard, WA.  Includes │
    │ current Newsletter and APEBS  appl. │
    │ Join the fun - echo  the Nationally │
    │ Famous Hammster Conference!
  • BGI13.ZIP (102K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    "The Beginner's Guide to the Internet" is a
    full-color, computer-based tutorial about
    the Internet. It is complete, covering email,
    ftp, telnet, gopher, Archie, Veronica, WAIS,
    WWW, USENET newsgroups, BITNET listservs,
    IRC and more. It is the only computer-
    based tutorial that gives you step-by-step 
    instructions on how to do almost anything on 
    the Internet. Perfect for Internet novices!
  • BIGD10.ZIP (153K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    Big Dummy's Guide To The Internet
    (C)1993, 1994 by the Electronic Frontier 
    Foundation [EFF]. Distributed by
    Project Gutenberg Etext #118
  • C2C_0194.ZIP (47K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    │ City2City NetMail Service  INFOPAK 01/94 │
    │ ---------------------------------------- │
    │ *NEW* CENTRAL HUB and Administration!    │
    │ Accepting NEW Applications - S/R & Nodes │
    │ Over 100 of the World's best Systems!    │
    │ ---------------------------------------- │
    │* Reliable & Free    * Superb Moderators  │
    │* Zero Bureaucracy   * 100 Conferences    │
    │* Guarenteed same day Approvals on receipt
  • CAP_9403.ZIP (12K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    CAPLink, a computer oriented echo mail
    network.  This network offers conference
    for the programmer whether they are
    experienced or not.  We also have some
    technical conferences for application
    We maintain a professional atmosphere as
    well having a professional administrative
    Become a member today by downloading this
    information packet.  All the information
    to join CAPLink is contained inside.
    CAP/USA     ■   (708) 854-0255
    CAP/CANADA  ■   (416)
  • CAPLNK93.ZIP (9K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    CAPLink Mail Network
    This is the online application,
    node list, and rule information
    program all in one.  This program
    is for PCBoard 15.1 systems that
    are running the CAPLink Echo Mail
    For more information on CAPLink
    download the latest CAPLink
    information packet from your local
    BBS system or call: (708) 854-0255
    or (416) 287-0935 and download it.
  • CCI_APP.ZIP (6K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm


  • CENT9310.ZIP (9K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    Centipede is in need of Hubs in Europe,
    and Southern USA.  Transfers are both
    QWK and Fidonet supported.  If you
    wanted to give your Users, or join a
    network of writers and poets, then this
    is what you have been searching for.
    This packet update: 9310.
  • CN_INFO.ZIP (21K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm


  • CNET9306.ZIP (16K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    CollNet -  A QWK  and  PostLink compatible
    BBS network  that focuses on collectables.
    Many conferences ranging from sports cards
    to matchbooks.  In most cases you can make
    your  first mail  run with  in 24 hours of
    receipt  of your  application.   CollNet -
    "The Network for Serious Collectors".
  • CNT0294.ZIP (6K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    CatNet (TM) QWK Network Application.
    This package contains the following files:
    1) Application for a BBS to join the
       "CatNet(tm)" mail network.
    2) Discriptions of the conferences carried
       on the "CatNet(tm)" Mail Network.
    3) Listing of participating BBSs carrying
       the "CatNet(tm)" mail network. Last
       updated 2/1/94.
    4) Rules & Regulations of the "CatNet(tm)"
       mail network.
  • CNT9309A.ZIP (8K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    If you are seeking for a network
    to join and share your creativity,
    then this is the Premiere in Networking
    technology.  Linked with fantastic
    members, your thoughts shall not go
    unheard, and you shall receive many
    replies.  Centipede.  We are here
    for you.  [9309]
  • COAST.ZIP (4K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    │ Coast to Coast Net Mail Service Info     │
    │ ---------------------------------------- │
    │   Over 100 of the world's best systems   │
    │        dedicated to QUALITY mail.        │
    │ ---------------------------------------- │
    │ * Zero Bureaucracy   * 80 Conferences
  • CROSS993.ZIP (24K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    CrossNet(tm) the Fido Technology Network
    that crosslinks to RaceNet and RFNet.
    We now have a ARRL-HQ echo!
    RaceNet is one of the hottest
    motorsports networks today!
    Come join our easy going/relaxed
  • CW_IA_20.ZIP (15K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    IntApp/Intelec Network Application Generator
    v2.0 - Complete network information database
    with search options for conference, nodelist
    and more! Freeware PPE, installs in CMD.LST.
    IntApp requires an up to date net info file.
    DL IN-yymm.ZIP for network info/application.
  • CYBR0993.ZIP (6K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    No description given.

  • DHARMA.ZIP (33K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm


  • DRGN0294.ZIP (12K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    ██▓▓▒▒░░ DragoNet (02-01-94) ░░▒▒▓▓██
      This is the current DragoNet node
       application package!  Join an
      established and growing Net today!
    DragoNet is a .PKT compatible Net with
    discussions on programming, space, the
      sciences, and plenty more to come!

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    ▒░ DVLink,The Delaware Valley Connection,information file.░▒
    A *.QWK packet network designed to link BBS's in the
    PA/NJ region with each other, and other regional systems.
    Less complicated and restrictive than other networks, DVLink
    is actively recruiting Sysops to participate. We are also
    seeking Sysops who are interested in developing, and moderating
    their own conferences.
    DVLink has the ability to develop into a premier regional
    message network.
    Read the information enclosed in this arch

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    Echo Fun Version 1 By John Kleinbauer
    Short text file that explains some of the
    problems and solutions of starting an
    Echo Mail Net.
  • ELECT03.ZIP (89K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm


    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    No description given.

  • FD_9402.ZIP (8K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    Friends Network Mail Packet, FEB,1994
    "Come Join The Friendly Network"
    Nodelist, Conference List, Network Rules
    Network Membership Application, News
  • FDTN_003.ZIP (5K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    No description given.


    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    No description given.


    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm


  • FILES.BBS (30K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm


  • FSN40102.ZIP (7K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    █--------------=== FSNET ===---------------█
      Electronics and Electrical Engineering,
      Sciences, Physics, Educational EMAIL

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    ▒░ Galactic Net, The Sci-fi / Entertaiment Connection,information file.░▒
    A *.QWK packet network designed to link BBS's with each other, 
    Less complicated and restrictive than other networks, Galactic Net
    is actively recruiting Sysops to participate. We are also
    seeking Sysops who are interested in developing, and moderating
    their own conferences.
    Galactic Net has the ability to develop into a premier message network.
    Read the information enclosed in this archive, and we believe
    that you'll
  • GI13A.ZIP (97K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm


  • GKIT0793.ZIP (9K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    Latest GreenNet Relay Info Kit For SysOps!
    We're A Fast Growing Environmental BBS Net
    Now Looking For More New Nodes & Hubs From
    Across The Globe!  Now Using QWK, PCRelay,
    PostLink, Fidonet & Sky-Link Technology To
    Relay Worldwide.  We Have A Gateway To The
    GREEN Conference Via Satellite & Cable TV!
    Dual 9600 Baud Dish Downlinks With Uplink!
    Internet Net-Mail To 1:372/50@fidonet.org,
    Or Visit The Earth Art BBS! (803) 552-4389
  • GLNK1193.ZIP (116K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    ┌─────[ The Global-Link Network Inc. ]────┐
    │ International Conference & Mail Network │
    ├─── Information & Application Packet ────┤
    │ Over 400 International Echo Conferences │
    ├─── General ■ Vendor Support ■ Medical ──┤ 
    ├─ Join This Fast Growing Network Today! ─┤
    ├──── Using The .QWK Mail Bag Format ─────┤
    ├───────── "Make The Connection" ─────────┤
    ├──────────── 11/01/93 Edition
  • GLP_NET.ZIP (56K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    GLP-Net Information Package...
    Containing the echolist, application,
    rules, nodelist, and menus... Now
    covering ten states and progressing!
  • GNET0394.ZIP (59K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

     ▄████████▄ ───────────────────────────────
    ████▀   ▀▀▀ GnetEMS - An *EXCITING* Network
    ████  ▄▄▄▄  with author support conferences
    ████  ▀▀███ and file  distribution  echoes!
    █████▄▄▄███ Now in the US, Canada & Europe!
     ▀████████▀ ───────────────────────────────
    All information necessary to join this net-
    work  is  contained  within  this  archive!
    If you're looking for  a network where  you
    Can have an active role  in  what  you  can
    offer to  your users,  give GnetEMS  a try.
  • GNREG.ZIP (47K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm



    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    No description given.

  • ILAPP24.ZIP (44K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    ILink APPlication Form Generator v.2.4:
    Provides background information about the
    ILink international echomail network and
    generates application forms for both
    existing member updates and new member
    applications; 7/1/93; S.  David Klein
  • ILCNF401.ZIP (35K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    Official ILink International Conference List
    for January, 1994.  All ILink conferences
    with descriptions and hosts; also a short
    list suitable for a member BBS's bulletin.
  • ILNK0294.ZIP (92K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    ILink International NetMail Network
    information packet for February, 1994:
    official membership listings, network map,
    and membership application.
  • ILNK0394.ZIP (94K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    ILink International NetMail Network
    information packet for March, 1994:
    official membership listings, network map,
    and membership application.
  • IN_9401.ZIP (36K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    The Intelec Network Information File Jan 94!
    Friendly, Professional, Top-Quality Network!
    Covering a Wide Range of Topics  From Issues
    to Tech Support, Special Interests and more!
    190 conferences ■ 313 members ■ 11 Countries
  • INETDOC.ZIP (139K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    THE INTERNET COMPANION      12/29/93
    A beginners guide to the net.  This is
    part 1 of Tracy LaQuey's book.
    Anonymous FTP: world.std.com
    Provided by:  watkinse@sgate.com

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    A comprehensive glossary concentrating mostly
    on terms specific to the Internet.
    Anonymous FTP: nic/merit.edu
    Provided by:  watkinse@sgate.com

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    "The Beginner's Guide to the Internet" is a
    full-color, computer-based tutorial about
    the Internet.  It is not only complete,
    covering email, ftp, telnet, gopher,
    archie, veronica, wais, www, USENET
    newsgroups, BITNET listservs, and
    Internet Relay Chat, it is the only
    computer-based tutorial that gives
    you step-by-step instructions on how
    to do almost anything productively
    on the Internet, even as an Internet
    novice.  Also included is a comprehensive
    list of Internet providers for those
    who do
  • IP_2893.ZIP (5K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm


  • JESUSBBS.A70 (18K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    No description given.

  • JNET0394.ZIP (19K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    03/06/94 Information Package on JOBNET Echo
    Mail Network for Job Seekers and Employers!.
    The net is now over 66 HUBS and NODES and
    has gone international!!
    We continue to seek additional HUBS and NODES
    to keep this net on it's growth curve!
    Please consider joining this free Net!
  • LDS0993.ZIP (8K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    Application for the LDS_Net mail system
    At last!  A netmail strictly for members of 
    the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
    Saints (the Mormons).  Includes many 
    church-specific conferences.  This system
    is one of a kind that you will find anywhere!
    Join up today!
  • LNET0394.ZIP (5K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

        LakeNet Information Package as of :
    ************** March 1,1994 **************
    Join this friendly QWK based network that
    covers the CANADIAN and U.S. GREAT LAKES
    REGION! Download this file and you can be
    connected in less then 24 hours. No fee to
    join or send messages anywhere in the net.
    Origin: Showcom Online (905)722-1484
  • LNEWS94C.ZIP (1K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    LakeNews*The Offical Newsletter of LakeNet 
    *********** March 1994 Issue *************
    JOIN this friendly QWK based network that
    covers the CANADIAN & U.S. GREAT LAKES.
    HUBS in Ontario, Michigan, Ohio and Duluth
    Minnesota.           Origin:Showcom Online
  • LOST0394.ZIP (3K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    --Attention Sysops--Fun network! --
    LostNet is looking for sysops to carry
    this net devoted only to having fun.
    No lengthy application procedures.
    Virtually no rules or red tape.
    First come, first served. Quick and easy
    approval if you run a 24Hr/day BBS and can
    handle .QWK or FIDO based E-Mail. Check it
    out. What have you got to lose?
  • LOTTO993.ZIP (4K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    ** LOTTONET ** QWKNet HUB/INFO Packet 9/93
    This is a New QWK Compatible Message Mail
    Network for those Systems Having any interest
    in the Lottery, Gambling and related subjects
    Easy and No hassle sign up.  Learn the
    secrets from the Winners of the lotteries!
    Sign up today, HUB List being created.
  • LUV_NET3.ZIP (5K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    Latest update of LUV_NET application kit
  • MAIL0194.ZIP (129K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    No description given.


    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    A Cruise of the Internet - Requires Windows
    Computer-based tutorial for new as well as
    experienced Internet "navigators."  Introduction
    to Internet resources as diverse as supercomputing,
    minorities, multimedia, and even cooking.
    It will also provide information about the
    tools needed to access those resources.
  • METRO294.ZIP (37K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    MetroLink International Network Information
    Packet for February 94.   Join the oldest
    open free PCBoard Network.
  • MLST1293.ZIP (134K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    No description given.

  • MN0394.ZIP (20K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    Information for joining MegNET one of the
    fastest growing nets in the Eastern USA
    MegNET is a well balanced net with subjects
    that appeal to a wide range of callers.This
    file contains a List of MegNET Conferences
    History,Node list and Intro PICs for each
  • MNLK103.ZIP (7K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    ░░▒▒▓▓██■ MainLink Mail Network ■ ██▓▓▒▒░░
    Informational and  How To Get Started File
    for  MainLink Mail Network.   MainLink  is
    looking  for  new nodes and hubs  all over
    the  country.   MainLink  is  one  of  the
    easiest network to join.   Please download
    this file and join today!
    ░░▒▒▓▓██■ MainLink Mail Network
  • MTN1193.ZIP (4K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    Application for the Mountain Net mail system.
    A netmail system specifically for BBS systems
    in the Mountain States.  Finally a system
    that caters to those for a specific need and
    has the feel of the local population!
    We need more BBS systems in these areas to
    join now!  Must be QWK/REP compatible.
  • NENET112.ZIP (13K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    │               ////////////               │
    │  New England Net Information Pack v1.12  │
    │               ////////////               │
    │   NE-Net is friendly. Started in 1988!   │
    │   Boards outside of NE are welcomed to   │
    │ apply. Managed by a SC, keeping politics │
    │  in the sandbox where they belong! 3/94

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm


  • NIN_NET.ZIP (7K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    New, fun network.  Info pkg for NinnyNet.
    This is a new, small, fun and friendly
    net.  Give us a call!  We are located
    in Rochester, NH.
  • NL0993.ZIP (22K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm


  • NWL_9309.ZIP (12K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    │      Introducing NorthWest Link!         │
    │                                          │
    │ A small  general  topic  E-mail  network │
    │ serving   the   Pacific   NorthWest  and │
    │ beyond.    Supports  .QWK   packet  mail │
    │ transfers.    Come  join   this  network │
    │ created  specifically   for  us  in  the │
    │ great  Pacific  NorthWest.
  • OMNI0394.ZIP (10K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    ░░░▒▒▒▓▓▓███  OMNILINK  Network  ███▓▓▓▒▒▒░░░
    OmniLink  is a  QWK Mail  packet network that 
    specializes  in  fun  and theme  conferences.  
    This Zip file contains everything you need to
    get started in the network.  Mar 1994 Version
  • PBPOST.ZIP (21K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

     Pen and Brush Net for Writers & Artists  
      P&BNet is a fast-growing network for     
      writers and artists. We feature direct   
      feeds from publishers and news items     
      from galleries. We are using regular     
      .QWK packets AND Postlink to satisfy     
      all network participation requirements.
  • PCGNET11.ZIP (27K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    ┌┐┌┐┌──The Professional CAD & Graphics─┐┌┐┌┐
    └┘└┘└──Network Application Information─┘└┘└┘
    │ PCGnet is a professional and friendly    │
    │ CAD and Graphics based network seeking   │
    │ nodes with active and mature user bases. │
    │ PCGnet specializes in Design, Drafting,  │
    │ Engineering, 2D & 3D Modeling, Multimedia│
    │ Systems, Raster Imaging, Raytracing, 3D  │
    │ Rendering and Animation.
  • PCLINK.ZIP (36K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    PC-LINK Network - Local Fido/Qwk 
    alternative network. Supports echomail
    QWKMail and Point Operation.

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    PC-VRKNIGHT...is a organization of
    Users and Syops..to use the technology
    of the 21st century and move forward!
    Meetings, Contest, Games , newsletters
    and Education..Based in Delaware!
    Net that follows this is PVKnet for the 
    communications nessesary to keep in 
    contact..A nodelist is included and 
    the contacts to join are there..
    Both Sysop and Users applications
    are here!!!

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

     PEGA/LO Network - The Network of Access 
      PEGA/LO is the network devoted to the    
      concept of the public's access to      
      information.  This network is for 
      Public, Educational and Government
      Access as well as Local Origination
      programmers and the people who who
      watch and listen to the programs.
      Postlink is the supported networking
      software.  (v1.1 10/13/93)
  • PEN_9403.ZIP (23K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    Planet Earth Network! 03/94
    Join one of the  fastest growing 
    International Networks! PEN actively
    covers topics ranging from environmental
    to inner city issues. PEN is also
    available through Planet Connect
    Satellite feed. Swift approval within
    24 hrs!
  • PLAN0394.ZIP (11K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    PlanoNet information packet - Come join the
    echomail network "That Just Wants To Have
    FUN" This network is aimed at sysops that
    have never done the echomail thing before,
    and at those that want a laid back approach
    to moving the mail! We're looking for Hubs
    and Nodes all around the world! Are you a
    shareware author that wants/needs a support
    conference? PlanoNet is the one for you!!
    From the International Hub, The Lunatic
    Fringe BBS, Richardson, TX

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    No description given.

  • PNET231A.ZIP (6K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    No description given.


    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm



    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm


  • RACENET1.ZIP (33K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    Multi-networking -: RaceNet, UnitedNet, CrossNet, DragRaceNet,
    FlightNet, EuropeanRaceNet, WestSideNet, DeepSouthNet, FireNet,
    PoliceNet, EMSNet, PetNet, SportsNet, RFNet, GreenNet,
    RecipeNet, CharlestonNet, WritersNet.  Other networks welcome.
    QWK, PCRelay, PostLink and FidoTech supported.
  • RC_NET.ZIP (3K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    Join RC-Net, dedicated to Radio Control Modelers.
    It's new, and it's growing! Be a part of it!
  • RF1462.ZIP (11K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm


  • RIME.ZIP (106K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    Latest Rime Site list - contains
    list of hubs, location of nodes
    and node list

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    No description given.

  • RIP_NET.ZIP (10K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm


  • RLY0993.ZIP (207K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    Infomation on joining RIME (RelayNet)
    network, a 1000 node network cris-crossing
    the globe - fastest mail turnaround of any
    network - powerful software - great users-
    over 400 active conferences -
    product support - hobbyist - social
    conferences - We're the network that
    attracts users to YOUR board!
  • ROCIE.ZIP (4K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    Information on joining ROCIE-Net.
    ROCIE-Net (pronounced ROCKY) is a network of
    bulletin boards in Riverside-Orange County-
    Inland Empire area (hence the acronym ROCIE).
    To join ROCIE-Net, contact one of the boards
    listed inside this archieve.
  • RSAAPP22.ZIP (28K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    ║ This is the official RsaNET application  ║
    ║ form generator. V2.2                     ║
    ║ Fully menu driven, and in FULL colour    ║
    ║ Download this TODAY if you want to join  ║
    ║ RsaNET - The greatest network since  .   ║
    ║ Please upload your application form to   ║
    ║ NetLINE Flagship BBS as a Message !!     ║
    ║ RsaNET - The fastest growing NET in S.A !
  • SAC_PAK.ZIP (39K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm



    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    SEEKNET(tm) International Echomail Network
    January 94 packet - Professional Quality
    Mail Net, compatible with both .qwk & Front-
    End type mail transfers. Designed with BOTH
    the User and Sysop in mind. We have bridged
    the gap between professional and friendly.
    Consumer Reports, SeekNet(tm) Shareware
    Review, & more. Our conferences are
    Unique, Fun, and Informational! Over 100
    QUALITY Nodes from Canada to Australia and
    Growing all the time! Find out Why! Run the
    program Seeknet.exe for details. You
  • SEEKNT11.ZIP (58K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

     - November 1993 Information Packet -
    S.E.E.K.N.E.T.!  Is a Professional
    Quality International Mail Net, compatible
    with both .qwk & Front-End type mail transfers.
    Designed with BOTH the User and Sysop in mind,
    We bridge the gap between professional and
    friendly. What good is national mail if few
    participate in it. Our conferences are
    Unique, Fun, and Informational! Over 100
    QUALITY Nodes from Canada to Australia and
    Growing all the time! Find out Why! Run the
    program Seeknet.exe for details. You
  • SERCHNT1.ZIP (26K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    An independent network for the support of
    all peoples. Discussion of Paranormal, and
    Spiritual experiences, with a theme of each
    person SEARCHing for his individual PATH, or
    reason for living.  Includes discussion of
    UFOs, Conspiracies, and World News, Channels
    and Earth Changes.  Tolerance is Mandatory.
  • SEX21093.ZIP (9K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

           ───=≡*> WBS Presents <*≡=───          
    SEXnet/2 information package for 10-93       
    Includes: Application, Nodelist, GuideLines, 
    Conference Listings. a NEW  .QWK format based
    network. looking for DP's, HUBS, and nodes;  
    plus gates to other formats!  Join this new  
    ADULTS ONLY! network today and grow with us! 
    call MEO at 215-921-8836 for more info.
  • SFCN0893.ZIP (9K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    The Circuitnet bbs list for August 1993
  • SKNET001.ZIP (7K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    ┌───[  SPARK NetWork - Juillet 1993  ]──┐
    ╞═══════════ ■   ZONE 74   ■ ═══════════╡
    │      SparkNet, Réseau Francophone     │
    │   Distribution compatible PKT & QWK   │
    │    Fichier d'information du réseau    │
    │  Coordinateur Int'l HERMES CENTER BBS │  
    │ +331-69007867 HST & +331-69007672 ZYX
  • SL_1293.ZIP (4K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    │  SurrealNet International Mail Network    │
    │  December Information packet.  This Net   │
    │  is for PCBoard 15.0 or Wildcat! Sysops   │
    │  only.  Relaxed guidelines, but high      │
    │  standards for approval.  A New Concept   │
    │  in Mail Networks that will revolutionize │
    │  them as we know it.    .Marcus.Breese.
  • SL_9403.ZIP (4K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

       SYSLink Mail Network
    SYSLink is a NET that is based in 
    central Illinois and looking for new nodes
    and hubs all over the United States.  We
    offer various conferences and total SYSOP
    control.  If you are interested in a NET
    that has an easy application process and
    hopes to outdo many other NETS please down-
    load this package and apply today.
  • SL_NWS12.ZIP (5K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    │        Surreal News Maker  v 1.2         │
    │        -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-         │
    │This is a Sysop's Aide to make News Files.│
    │It will allow you to enter a new news     │
    │entry, in a Pseudo-Full Screen Editor.  It│
    │also displays the news to your users in a │
    │scrolling format set to their page length.│
    │ Completely Configurable.  Surreal Tech.
  • SN072993.ZIP (2K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    No description given.

  • SRN1193.ZIP (5K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    -=SRNet - Sanctified Revolutions Mail
    -=Network Application, join a small but
    -=growing network today! Latest Node
    -=List Included!

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    No description given.


    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    SYSOPS -- Download this file to find out
    how you can become a member of the MVP
    Distribution Network and get all updates
    and new releases of MVP Software shareware
    products sent to you FREE before they are
    available anywhere else.  Join our team!
  • TAP_0294.ZIP (8K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    **** TAP-Net E-Mail Network ****
    Welcome to the next generation E-Mail
    network for the Technical/Programmer.
    TAP-Net has over 60 conferences, File
    Distributions Networks, and uses the 
    RoseNet/QWK/FIDO mail transfer. Nodes 
    and HUB's Needed.

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm


  • TEEN0793.ZIP (10K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    How To Join TeenNET - A TEENS ONLY Message Network! 07/01/93
  • TENET893.ZIP (4K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    No description given.

  • THEO0394.ZIP (6K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    THEO-NET: The Christian Theology Network.
    Easy to join, free to all BBS systems.
    If you are a Christian board, or want
    to discuss Religion, CARRY THIS!
    The Village: 408-229-0706

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    TruthNet : *NEW* Christian Network
    We deal only in the TRUTH! Many Areas
    We especially cater to Home Schoolers.
    Based in Southern Illinois and we
    offer two distinct formats Fido and
    QWK. Get in on the bottom floor and
    grow with us. Join up today!!!

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    No description given.

  • TURNET.ZIP (10K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm


  • U_RULES.ZIP (8K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    Rules for Posting to Usenet. From Usenet
    Network Administration.
  • UNI105CD.ZIP (14K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    Conference descriptions for U'NI-net, 
    including host information. Updated 
    monthly. Latest: Accurate to 10/30/93.
  • UNI109CD.ZIP (15K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    Conference descriptions for U'NI-net, 
    including host information. Updated 
    monthly. Latest: Accurate to 2/26/94.
  • UNI189.ZIP (45K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    Information on the U'NI-net
    International echomail
    network.  Dossier, Application
    and node listing. accepting
    applications from BBS systems
    compatible with the .QWK/.REP
    mail method.

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    No description given.


    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm


  • VRET1193.ZIP (9K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    Information on how to join the
    brand new VRETNET This net is for 
    any BBS systems intrested in Virtual
    Reality and New Technologies. A 
    specific net to meet specific 
    needs!  We need members!  Join now!
    Regional and State Hubs Needed.
    FIDO Info Now Included
  • VRET893E.ZIP (8K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    Information on how to join the
    brand new VRETNET This net is for 
    any BBS systems intrested in Virtual
    Reality and New Technologies. A 
    specific net to meet specific 
    needs!  We need members!  Join now!
    Regional and State Hubs Needed.
    FIDO Info Now Included

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    │ * │      WaxNet Application      │ * │
     Join an exciting new QWK style network
     with no legnthy application time and
     you don't have to sign away your first
     born to join.  Download this today!
     17 varying conversation groups that all
     users will find something they like!
  • WCLAW893.ZIP (13K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    >>>> WCLawNet >>>> The Law Enforcement Echo Mail Network!  
      WCLawNet is and Echo Mail Network dedicated to the
    Law Enforcement and Public communities for the purpose of
    information exchange.  The conferences consist of public
    access ones and ones restricted to verified law enforcement
    personnel.  WCLawNet was founded in Northern California
    and is in the process of adding bulletin boards throughout
    the state.  The net is considered to have a law enforcement
    nature and fosters the free exchange of i
  • WHATIS_I.ZIP (11K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    What Is the Internet?

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    What is Usenet?

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

    No description given.

  • WIRE0294.ZIP (14K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 09:00 pm

                                            February 21, 1994
    WiReNET is an all new les/bi/gay network, put forth to give those people
    who fit the previous description a fun and safe place to talk about the
    issues affecting them on a daily basis.  This network is NOT a place to
    see how lewd and crass you can be, but rather a place where you can
    express yourself without fear of being ostracized by others.  It is open
    to straights, as long as they show they are willing to learn and discuss
    issues without