• AARP9408.ZIP (4K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:32 pm

    No description given.

  • ADA-LAW.ZIP (49K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:32 pm


  • ADAKIT.ZIP (14K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:32 pm


  • AFDN.ZIP (3K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:32 pm


  • ANR9406.ZIP (215K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:32 pm


  • ANS080.ZIP (13K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:32 pm


  • ASAP1213.ZIP (202K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:32 pm

    Update and demo for ASAP, Automatic Screen Access Program.

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:32 pm



    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:32 pm


  • BF0994.ZIP (40K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:32 pm


  • BLIND.ZIP (647K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:32 pm


  • BRL6305.ZIP (19K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:32 pm


  • BRLM9410.ZIP (86K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:32 pm

    The Braille Monitor for October, 1994
    The Braille Monitor is the official
    monthly publication of the National
    Federation of the blind.  For more
    information on the NFB, contact us
    at 1800 Johnson Street, Baltimore, MD  21230
    or call Voice: (410) 659-9314 Fax
    (410) 685-5653 BBS (410) 752-5011
  • BRLM9411.ZIP (87K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:32 pm

    The Braille Monitor for November, 1994
    The Braille Monitor is the official
    monthly publication of the National
    Federation of the blind.  For more
    information on the NFB, contact us
    at 1800 Johnson Street, Baltimore, MD  21230
    or call Voice: (410) 659-9314 Fax
    (410) 685-5653 BBS (410) 752-5011
  • BRLM9412.ZIP (89K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:32 pm

    The Braille Monitor for December, 1994
    The Braille Monitor is the official
    monthly publication of the National
    Federation of the blind.  For more
    information on the NFB, contact us
    at 1800 Johnson Street, Baltimore, MD  21230
    or call Voice: (410) 659-9314 Fax
    (410) 685-5653 BBS (410) 752-5011

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:32 pm

    No description given.

  • CDC-FACT.ZIP (13K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:32 pm

    No description given.

  • CFSNWS41.ZIP (12K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:32 pm

    No description given.

  • COMP220I.ZIP (459K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:32 pm

    The Diabetic Companion 2.20 w/OTII support.
    A Complete Diabetes Logbook software program.
    Includes automatic posting of glucose results
    from your ONE TOUCH II and automatic posting
    of your standard insulin injection amounts.
    Supports sliding scale insulin adjustments.
    Data backup with non-destructive restore.
    Online help.
    Supports faxing of your logbook to your
    health care provider and graphing of results
    as will as a wide range of other features.
  • CONG104.ZIP (14K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:32 pm


  • DETEST5.ZIP (542K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:32 pm


  • DOD12.ZIP (239K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:32 pm

    Doctor on a Disk Version 1.2- Computerized Medical Book
  • DOIT9406.ZIP (12K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:32 pm

    No description given.

  • DRNEW146.ZIP (13K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:32 pm

    No description given.


    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:32 pm

    No description given.


    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:32 pm

    No description given.

  • HERBPW3.ZIP (713K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:32 pm

    HERB POWER v2.0
    The ultimate guide to the power of herbs.
    This Spectacular, colorful, and user friendly
    program will teach what you need to know about
    natures medicines, and how it will effect
    your live. Among the many features you'll
    discover is a full description of each herb.
    This includes cultivation, cooking, medical
    uses with the latest research findings and
    remedies, beauty secrets, and other herb uses.
    Fully illustrated, plus additional information
    on preserving herbs and making of herb m
  • HIVH9409.ZIP (26K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:32 pm

    No description given.

  • HIVH9410.ZIP (20K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:32 pm

    No description given.


    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:32 pm

    No description given.


    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:32 pm


  • IMPR9409.ZIP (26K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:32 pm

    No description given.

  • IMPR9410.ZIP (27K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    No description given.

  • KA_B10_1.ZIP (78K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    │      KA_B10_1.ZIP       │
    │                         │
    │ 10th in a series of on- │
    │ line computer self-help │
    │ tests for the EMT Basic │
    │ or EMT Basic student.   │
    │ ENVIRON covers environ- │
    │ mental emergencies.     │
    │ 100 questions at the    │
    │ Basic EMT level.
  • KA_B1104.ZIP (83K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    │      KA_B1104.ZIP       │
    │                         │
    │ 1st in a series of on-  │
    │ line computer self-help │
    │ tests for the EMT Basic │
    │ or EMT Basic student.   │
    │ Intro-EMS covers topics │
    │ such as roles and resp- │
    │ onsibilities, legal is- │
    │ sues and EMS history,   │
    │ usually covered in chap.│
    │ one of the Basic text.
  • KA_B11_1.ZIP (78K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    │      KA_B11_1.ZIP       │
    │                         │
    │ 11th in a series of on- │
    │ line computer self-help │
    │ tests for the EMT Basic │
    │ or EMT Basic student.   │
    │ MEDICAL covers medical  │
    │ emergencies, including  │
    │ diabetic emergencies,   │
    │ poisoning, overdose,    │
    │ and infectious disease. │
    │ Basic EMT review test   │
    │ FREEware
  • KA_B12_1.ZIP (81K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    │      KA_B12_1.ZIP       │
    │                         │
    │ 12th in a series of on- │
    │ line computer self-help │
    │ tests for the EMT Basic │
    │ or EMT Basic student.   │
    │ OBGYN deals with obste- │
    │ trical & gynecological  │
    │ emergencies, including  │
    │ A&P of the reproductive │
    │ system, and childbirth. │
    │ Basic EMT review test   │
    │ FREEware
  • KA_B13_1.ZIP (79K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    │       KA_B13_1.ZIP      │
    │                         │
    │ 13th in a series of on- │
    │ line computer self-help │
    │ tests for the EMT Basic │
    │ or EMT Basic student.   │
    │ PEDI deals with pediat- │
    │ ric emergencies.        │
    │ Basic EMT review test   │
    │ FREEware
  • KA_B14_1.ZIP (81K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    │       KA_B14_1.ZIP      │
    │                         │
    │ 14th in a series of on- │
    │ line computer self-help │
    │ tests for the EMT Basic │
    │ or EMT Basic student.   │
    │ PSYCH deal with psychi- │
    │ atric emergencies, inc- │
    │ luding EMT job stress,  │
    │ death and dying, etc.   │
    │ FREEware by KA_Soft
  • KA_B2101.ZIP (73K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    │      KA_B2101.ZIP       │
    │                         │
    │ 2nd in a series of on-  │
    │ line computer self-help │
    │ tests for the EMT Basic │
    │ or EMT Basic student.   │
    │  ANATOMY covers topics  │
    │ such as the anatomy and │
    │ physiology of the human │
    │ body, anatomical terms, │
    │ and etcetera.
  • KA_B3100.ZIP (78K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    │      KA_B3100.ZIP       │
    │                         │
    │ 3rd in a series of on-  │
    │ line computer self-help │
    │ tests for the EMT Basic │
    │ or EMT Basic student.   │
    │ ASSESS is about patient │
    │ assessment, consisting  │
    │ of a series of questions│
    │ on the subject, written │
    │ at the basic level.
  • KA_B4100.ZIP (76K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    │      KA_B4100.ZIP       │
    │                         │
    │ 4th in a series of on-  │
    │ line computer self-help │
    │ tests for the EMT Basic │
    │ or EMT Basic student.   │
    │ RESP covers respiratory │
    │ emergencies, & consists │
    │ of a series of questions│
    │ on the subject, written │
    │ at the basic level.
  • KA_B5100.ZIP (76K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    │      KA_B5100.ZIP       │
    │                         │
    │ 5th in a series of on-  │
    │ line computer self-help │
    │ tests for the EMT Basic │
    │ or EMT Basic student.   │
    │ CARDIO covers the card- │
    │ iovascular system, and  │
    │ cardiovascular emergen- │
    │ cies.  100 questions,   │
    │ at the basic level.
  • KA_B6100.ZIP (78K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    │      KA_B6100.ZIP       │
    │                         │
    │ 6th in a series of on-  │
    │ line computer self-help │
    │ tests for the EMT Basic │
    │ or EMT Basic student.   │
    │ CNS covers central ner- │
    │ vous system anatomy and │
    │ physiology, as well as  │
    │ CNS emergencies.  100   │
    │ questions at the basic  │
    │ EMS level.
  • KA_B7100.ZIP (77K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    │      KA_B7100.ZIP       │
    │                         │
    │ 7th in a series of on-  │
    │ line computer self-help │
    │ tests for the EMT Basic │
    │ or EMT Basic student.   │
    │ ABDOMEN covers the ana- │
    │ tomy and physiology of  │
    │ the abdomen, as well as │
    │ injuries and illnesses  │
    │ involving the abdomen.  │
    │ At the Basic EMT level.
  • KA_B8100.ZIP (78K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    │      KA_B8100.ZIP       │
    │                         │
    │ 8th in a series of on-  │
    │ line computer self-help │
    │ tests for the EMT Basic │
    │ or EMT Basic student.   │
    │ SOFT deals with soft    │
    │ tissue injuries, inclu- │
    │ ding the A&P of the     │
    │ integumentary system,   │
    │ eye, ear, and nose.     │
    │ Basic EMT review test   │
    │ FREEware
  • KA_B9_1.ZIP (77K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    │       KA_B9_1.ZIP       │
    │                         │
    │ 9th in a series of on-  │
    │ line computer self-help │
    │ tests for the EMT Basic │
    │ or EMT Basic student.   │
    │ MUSKEL deals with mus-  │
    │ culoskeletal injuries,  │
    │ including the A&P of    │
    │ the musculoskeletal     │
    │ system.                 │
    │ Basic EMT review test   │
    │ FREEware
  • LUNGS.AVI (507K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm


  • MCBERD21.ZIP (492K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    Yup! Latest Speech Friendly Electronic 
    Resource Directory from the Ma. Commission 
    for the Blind. Now allows category editing,
    printing, Q to quit from main  menu, and 
    the ability to create your own personal
    database info program! Freeware.
  • MCOOK138.ZIP (344K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    MicroCook v1.38  Recipe database program
    for DOS from NORSKi Software. Easy to use
    menus and editors with full mouse support.
    Number of databases only limited by hard disk
    space. ASCII Export and Import. Also Import
    Meal-Master(tm) ASCII recipes. Duplicate
    recipe checking. Powerful searches in index
    250 recipes included. Work great in Windows
    too. Option to purchase over 3000 recipes for
  • MED1094.ZIP (13K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm


  • MED9410P.ZIP (506K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    No description given.

  • MM13000A.ZIP (319K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01
    There should be one or two recipes
    in these files that you don't
    already have.            (1 of 13)
  • MM13000B.ZIP (326K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01
    File 13000B.zip        (2 of 13)
  • MM13000C.ZIP (358K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01
    File 13000C.zip        (3 of 13)
  • MM13000D.ZIP (366K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01
    File 13000D.zip        (4 of 13)
  • MM13000E.ZIP (366K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01
    File 13000E.zip        (5 of 13)
  • MM13000F.ZIP (399K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01
    File 13000F.zip        (6 of 13)
  • MM13000G.ZIP (360K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01
    File 13000G.zip        (7 of 13)
  • MM13000H.ZIP (391K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01
    File 13000H.zip        (8 of 13)
  • MM13000I.ZIP (505K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01
    File 13000I.zip        (9 of 13)
  • MM13000J.ZIP (382K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01
    File MM13000J.zip        (10 of 13)
  • MM13000K.ZIP (415K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01
    File MM13000L.zip        (12 of 13)
  • MM13000L.ZIP (397K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    No description given.

  • MM13000M.ZIP (120K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01
    File MM13000M.zip        (13 of 13)
  • MM802.ZIP (215K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    MEAL-MASTER v8.02 - Sophisticated and easy to use 
    recipe manager!  Excellent search, shopping list, 
    index, rescale, and print features.  Supports 
    English and Metric measures, including automatic 
    conversion, and decimal or common fractions.  
    Very flexible!  Unequalled export/import support, 
    includes conversion program for other popular 
    recipe formats.  Dos application; also runs great 
    in a Window under Windows or DesqView!
  • NFBTR728.ZIP (108K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    No description given.

  • NPJM01.ZIP (5K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm


  • NSHHN35.ZIP (679K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    NutriSoft HEALTHY HEART NUTRITION for Windows
    Based on US Surgeon General's guidelines to
    avoid obesity and coronary heart disease.
    Nutrients analyzed: calories, protein, fat, 
    saturated fat, cholesterol, carbohydrate. 
    Extensive exercise data. Graphic analyses, 
    printed output, search & sort capabilities, 
    body mass index, weight control planner, 
    caloric needs and ideal weight calculators,
    RDA, weight log, diet history tracker, etc.

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    Nutri-Ease 5000 by Fitware
    This program is good for your health!
    A comprehensive nutrition reference system,
    this program gives you the nutritional scoop
    on 1000 food items. Nutri-Eaze provides you
    with over 30 vitamin, nutrient and food composition
    values for each food. Plan and implement special
    diets with confidence. Find any food in seconds!
    You'll love the fast searches.
  • OMYGUI.ZIP (23K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm


  • ON70.ZIP (344K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm


  • ON9409A.ZIP (31K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm


  • ON9409B.ZIP (31K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm


  • ON9410A.ZIP (40K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm


  • ON9410B.ZIP (29K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm


  • ON9411A.ZIP (35K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm


  • ON9411B.ZIP (37K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm


  • OVER-65.ZIP (7K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm


  • PIBP004.ZIP (15K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm


  • PPSREF02.ZIP (12K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

       This file, ppsref02, is an update to a list of reference articles
     on Post Polio Syndrome that I posted on 7/1/94. It includes all of
     the previous references from ppsref01 and ten new ones. A description
     of the list is included below.
       During the last 4 months, a number of sources of information for Post
     Polio Syndrome have developed on the Internet.
           A newsgroup named  alt.support.post-polio  was created to

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm



    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    The Recipe Processor is a program that's
    designed to manipulate kitchen recipes, much
    in the way a word processor manipulates text.
    This program allows you to store your
    favorite recipes for later use and print out.
    In addition, you can manipulate the number of
    servings the recipe will yield, instantly
    adjusting the amounts of each ingredient.
  • REVIVE.ZIP (48K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm



    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    No description given.

  • SHOTS.ZIP (8K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm



    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    No description given.


    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm


  • TEAM.ZIP (9K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm



    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    No description given.

  • UNDSTD.ZIP (41K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm



    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    GUIDE, by Adam Starchild. This electronic
    book gives important information on all the
    vitamins, from A to K, plus some others
    with which you may not have been familiar.
    If you have a knowledge deficiency with
    regard to vitamins, this book is the cure.

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    No description given.


    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:33 pm

    No description given.