• 3DSRC.ZIP (33K)

    Uploaded Wed Jan 04 2023 07:00 am

  • 80XXX_94.ZIP (461K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:18 pm

    Latest code snippets from the Fidonet 80XXX echo.
  • A86V372.ZIP (175K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:18 pm

    A86 macro assembler, V3.72 now with
    INCLUDE files, listings, no limit on
    size of source files, fwd refs in
    complex expressions, END operand,
    default ORG END in DATA SEGMENT,
    and more!
  • AE24B.ZIP (30K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:18 pm

    Asm Edit 2.4b.  Updated release of
    an all new editor tailored for the
    assembly language programmer.  Smart
    tabs, auto comments, more.  Free pgm.
  • ASMWIZ20.ZIP (84K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:18 pm

    Assembly Wizard's Library v2.0 for assembly
    language (most assemblers are supported).
    Text and graphics, buffered file I/O, kbd,
    mouse, exception handler, string support,
    hi-res timers & countdowns, lots more. Tiny
    model (.COM format). By Tom Hanlin.
  • BC45.ZIP (19K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:18 pm


  • BLTC120.ZIP (244K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:18 pm

    BULLET is a super-fast, super-small
    B-tree/dBASE .DBF, transaction-based,
    multi-user database toolkit for DOS C
    & C++ compilers. Also available for
    BASIC, Windows, and OS/2. BULLET DOS
    C/C++ version 1.20, 05-Jan-95.
  • CENVID.ZIP (232K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:18 pm

    C-interpreter/batch-enhancer/macro tool-
    CEnvi gives the DOS professional a complete
    C-like environment, including the standard
    library and interrupt calls, in an easy-to-
    use form and all in one 150K executable. Now
    'C' is as easy to use as a batch file, and
    can even mix with batch files.

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:18 pm

    ║ CROSFADE                             ║
    ║ ASM and C source codes for           ║
    ║ fading smoothly from one image to    ║
    ║ another.
  • CSP9412A.ZIP (26K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:18 pm

    No description given.

  • CWL30.ZIP (721K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:18 pm


  • D86V372.ZIP (93K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:18 pm

    D86 debugger, V3.72, update
    to accompany new A86 assembler.
  • FFT4WAV2.ZIP (295K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:18 pm

    FFT4WAVE can be used to learn to program 
    c (the C Source code) or to analyse 
    arrays in float or double format, number 
    arrays in text (ASCII) files and much 
    more... input formulas, gauss analysis, 
    folding, filtering... FFT4WAVE is work 
    buffer orientated, with a Real/Imag 
    buffer, but it can also handle polar
    -data. You can print the graphic Screen 
    to a Windows BMP file with F9 or F10.
    Edit the FFT4WAVE.INI file, and you can 
    freely configure nearly al
  • GUSLIB11.ZIP (33K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:18 pm

    No description given.

  • IOCCC94.ZIP (82K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:18 pm

    1994 IOCCC Winners (International
    Obfuscated C Code Contest).
    Examples of how NOT to program, which
    test your ability to read tortured C
    code.  Some are useful, others just
    brainbusters.  Although written for
    Unix, most will compile under DOS.
  • MGK110A.ZIP (225K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:18 pm

    MEGIK v1.1  - Multi-Platform GUI Toolkit
    Create GUI apps in C for DOS, Windows, OS/2.
    With same source code apps run portably on
    all platforms (1.1 has DOS only, Windows and
    OS/2 in preparation). Supports windows,menus,
    dialogs, controls, events, graphics, bitmaps,
    icons and more. Easier and faster to program
    than native GUI. Example code. Over 300 pages
    of comprehensive on-disk documentation. No
    runtime fees. Shareware.
  • MGK110B.ZIP (180K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:18 pm

    MEGIK v1.1  - Multi-Platform GUI Toolkit
    Create GUI apps in C for DOS, Windows, OS/2.
    With same source code apps run portably on
    all platforms (1.1 has DOS only, Windows and
    OS/2 in preparation). Supports windows,menus,
    dialogs, controls, events, graphics, bitmaps,
    icons and more. Easier and faster to program
    than native GUI. Example code. Over 300 pages
    of comprehensive on-disk documentation. No
    runtime fees. Shareware.
  • MODEX32.ZIP (30K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:18 pm


  • ODOORS50.ZIP (606K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:18 pm

    OpenDoors 5.00 door programming toolkit for C
    OpenDoors is an advanced and easy to use
    library for writing BBS doors with Borland/MS C
    OpenDoors provides transparent support for
    interfacing with a vast range of BBS systems,
    sending output to both local and remote systems,
    generating ANSI/AVATAR/RIP control sequences,
    providing sysop status line and function keys
    including chat and DOS shell.
  • PMW110.ZIP (57K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:18 pm

    │     PMODE/W v1.10 DOS Extender     │
    │  Replaces DOS/4GW in Watcom C/C++  │
    │ Features:                          │
    │ ) Extender size less than 9k.      │
    │ ) Extender is internal to the EXE. │
    │ ) Fully compatible with Watcom C.  │
    │ ) Fast execution.                  │
    │ ) Free for non-commercial use.
  • REG'EM.ZIP (66K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:18 pm

    REG'EM v 1.0,, Program to create
    Registration key's for your "C"
    Program. Very Programer Freindly
    !!!!!! Must See This One !!!!!!!
  • RUKC110.ZIP (411K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:18 pm

    RUCKUS 1.1: the Sound Blaster Pro and other
    PC sound devices shareware toolkit. DOS
    C version. Handles digital data in VOC,
    WAVE, and MOD format and MIDI files
    including GM, MT-32, CMF, and ROL-cnv,
    and SB stereo. Includes GUS, OPL2, OPL3,
    MPU-401 playback sequencer.
  • TDOOR30.ZIP (122K)

    Uploaded Fri Apr 16 2021 08:18 pm

    TDoor 3.0 - Is a library for Borland C++,
    Microsoft C/C++, Symantec C++, Turbo C++,
    and Watcom C/C++ for writing doors for such
    systems as TriBBS, PCBoard, Gap, Spitfire,
    WildCat!, RBBS, WWIV, etc.  Now adds
    autodection and use of a FOSSIL driver if one
    is present. (TDoor has been renamed from
    TriDoor due to a name conflict with a library
    of Pascal door driver routines by another
    shareware company.)